This conspiracy theory nonsense is getting silly.
The Peoples Republic of China is starting to place considerable demand on fossil fuel, thus driving up the price. That is, the demand is exceeding current production capabilities. This in turn will drive the oil rich countries to install more pumps to meet that demand. Then, prices will stabilize or fall.
IN the meantime, we need to remember that in Saudi Arabia alone there is enough oil in their "untapped" fields to supply the world for the next 900 years as current levels of increased demand. Then, when you add in Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Russia, UAE, etc. etc. there is an abundance of oil for a long time to come. The problem is not the supply of oil, but the logistics of getting it to market fast enough.
Also in the meantime, the USA is moving quickly to use wind power, solar power, co-gen (clean burning of trash), and the all-promising hydrogen car. The Japanese built a working model many years ago. So, the issue is to make the hydrogen car available to the market ... which means developing a regular and widely available hydrogen fuel supply.
In any event, whether more oil gets pumped, or we develop better technologies ... I am not going to hold my breath in fear of doom and gloom ... unless I were to become a nutcase JW once again.
Jim W.