Hi--I was wondering if anyone knew what the Watchtower says about the superpowers destroying Babylon the Great? I have been out for many years, and I know they used to teach that Russia and the US were going to have the great war and then destroy all religions except the witnesses. Any takers?
Anyone have 'new light' on US vs Russia?
by love2Bworldly 15 Replies latest jw friends
The Leological One
Although I've never been a JW (married to a sweet JW who's currently DF'd), some churches I've attended back in the '80s used to say they felt that at some point the great "bear" and the "eagle" would both bring war to Israel in the last days (or at least that's what little I remember of what was said ).
Sometimes I wonder if some of the things JW's have taught in the past might possibly be rehashed versions of what some protestant denominations views have been -- just altered in such a way as to put the WT on top of the end-day heap~!
The watchtower hasn't said much of anything about the "king of the north" since the breakup of the soviet union. I heard some people speculate that it might be Iraq, Islam, or the UN. But the society's been very quiet about it. As long as they keep their mouths shut they'll tell fewer lies.
This is yet another failed prophecy that the WTS would prefer everyone forget about.
sweet tee
I agree with you iiz2cool, I remember being scared s***less that Russia would conquer the US (according to thier interpretation of Daniels prophecy). When the Soviet Union fell they pretty much said, 'oh we kinda messed that one up, but Jehover ... blah blah blah .... light gets brighter ..zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Then when they f'kd with the generation prophesy I was done.
They might as well shut up about all of it 'cause they dont know WTF they're talking about - about anything!
Just my piece ... I'm not bitter though ... perhaps just a tinchy little bit.
How could they possibly prophesy when they continue to say they aren't spirit inspired ? The Daniel book still had the US as king of the south even tho it looks more as if the US and britian are the king of the north , The king of the north has a huge naval attack involved and to this day the US is the only world power with a huge navy that goes around the world . When it comes to the details the WTBTS is clueless. They always warn not to speculate but then they turn around and do it themselves .
Thanks for all your inputs. It's really funny how the more I do research about the WBTS, the more BS I remember. Then I feel angry because I wish my sister would get out of it, and I feel angry that they lie to so many people. I'm not bitter, just so so thankful to God that I am seeing the light more and more. It took me years to realize that the JW's were so wrong about everything and so full of crap. I'm finding it very theraputic to read all these posts from other enlightened people, who understand what I'm going through.
They always warn not to speculate but then they turn around and do it themselves
Speculation or False Prophecy......
If the FDS or GB are the mouthpiece of Jehovah and the mediators for Christ, the isn't that Prophecy?
I love flinging Deut 18:20-22 AND 1 John 4:1
Ok. So I've been a bit rabid lately. Y'all gave me the tools to confront with, and I've had the opportunity to use them
But the society's been very quiet about it. As long as they keep their mouths shut they'll tell fewer lies.
When Freddy Franz was in charge of divine revelations? he could never keep his big mouth shut.They are still in the damage control mode trying to fix his flubs and sweep the rest under the carpet.They have finally STARTED to realize that if they don't say anything they can never be wrong. The money $$$$$ keeps rolling in anyway.