Many adoption agencies are leary of letting a JW adopt because of the blood issue.
The WTS says that unwed JW mothers should keep their babies and raise them "in the truth" so they won't die at Armageddon.
w82 8/15 p. 31 Questions from Readers ***A rare and sad situation is that of a young girl who has a child resulting from rape. Those immediately involved, the girl and her parents, can decide what course is advisable in view of all the factors, including her physical and emotional state. In some cases like this the infant has been accepted and given a loving Christian upbringing in the girl?s family. In other cases another Christian couple wanting to care for a child, and being in a position to do so, have been allowed to adopt the baby.
Thus JWs would want to adopt have a hard time of it but
Money makes the world go round
And some have gone to other countries and "bought" babies/children.
Others have been foster parents and eventually were able to adopt the children they had fostered.
There are government adoption agencies that refuse in writing to do business with JWs.
Actually, I always wondered why JWs didn't adopt more and 'save" those children from a certain death at Armageddon rather than making new children.
Here's a site that seems to try and find children for JWs: