Is Michael Jackson INNOCENT??

by breeze 50 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • avishai

    OK, listen. He's paid off at LEAST too other people in the multi millions. And has other accusers who he has'nt paid off. And he STILL sleeps with young kids? It's called grooming behavior. Duh. He does it. If it walks like a duck.....It's not just cuz he's a weirdo.

    It's hard to recognize talented, famous people that we sometimes respect as being flawed. I once saw who's work I really respect picking up very young Gay hustlers at an underage gay club I used to go too. I'm pretty sure they were underage. Now his movies have a different perspective. So.......It happens. Talented people can be assholes too.

  • cheeseman

    It's a thumbs down from me. No smoke without fire and all that jazz.

  • talesin
    The press in this country is sometimes off the center of the subject.....maybr not representing the real truth....???

    Is this a trick question?


    my 2. We will never know the truth. This is just another media circus.


  • jeanniebeanz

    Their lack of responsibility for protecting their sons is as feeble as Michael's high-pitched protestations of innocence.

    You have to licence your dog, but you don't even have to own a brain to have children. It's just too sick...


  • Dragonlady76

    Where there's smoke, there's fire.


  • Mecurious?

    underage gay club I used to go too.

    Why would you be at a under age gay club? I'm not attacking you just curious. Maybe I read it wrong.


  • Brummie

    Innocent! This case appears to be one of the most manufactured things I have ever seen. but I'd vote guilty of being wierd. Glad that he has promised never to put himself in a position to be accused of these things again but its pretty dumb that he put himself in this situation in the 1st place.


  • Liberty

    Michael Jackson is, at the very least, guilty of an abnormally huge amount of poor judgement. I think any adult should be free to keep pornography laying around their bedrooms if they are so inclined BUT NOT if your bedroom is used as a sleep over "clubhouse" for children. Not to mention that sexually normal men in their mid 40's do not want their bedrooms to become sleep over "clubhouses" for little boys in the first place, even if they are very innocently fond of children.

    His guilt is especially clear considering that Jackson lived in a huge mansion with dozens of large rooms which could have easily been used as sleep over/play areas without ever venturing into his private bed chamber stocked with "adult" material and alcoholic beverages. Even if we bought his "Peter Pan" image, Jackson's behaviour should cause us to question why he insists on bringing little boys into his adult oriented bedroom for sleep overs since he could easily afford to equip any room he wanted with child-appropriate entertainment and refreshments. Jackson even claims to have slept on the floor in a sleeping bag while his "guests" used his bed. This makes some sense if you are poor and only have 1 bed but since Jackson could easily equip any number of rooms with state-of-the-art beds his sleeping bag story is just plain unbelievable. I am 43 and the thought of choosing to sleep on the floor in a sleeping bag when a comfortable bed can easily be had is just plain silly cosidering middle aged bodies don't react well to sleeping on the floor.

    I really like children but it is clear that Mr. Jackson's "love" of young boys is more a dangerous obsession than a longing for his lost childhood. Most of us who love being around children understand that our interests and the children are better served by becoming a Big Brother volunteer or a Boy Scout leader rather than inviting the kids over to our bedrooms for pornography and some wine. Since Jackson has never shown any sexual interest in adult women we can only assume the pornography serves another purpose, primarily to exite young boys. Sexually stimulated young boys at a sleep over is not what the average man in his mid forties dreams about on cold lonely nights.

    Pop stars who have access to hundreds of beautiful adult women should balance their time between children's charity and adult recreations mutually exclusive from one another. The fact that Jackson spends the bulk of his time and fortune sleeping over with little boys rather than having adult relationships should tell us something about where his true sexual interests lie. The fact that his two "wives" continued to live in their own homes, one in fact hundreds of miles away from Neverland and Jackson, tells us the true state of his possible romantic encounters with these adult women. The fact that the children he claims to have fathered all appear to be white and look nothing like his pre-plastic surgery genetic self also belies the reality of his sexual interests in adult women, namely, that women are not even worth sleeping with for procreation let alone recreation.

  • Brummie

    Very very good post Liberty!

  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    who did he sing PYT, pretty young thing, for?

    makes me wonder every time I hear that one on the radio (^_^)

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