How should God conclude this current sytem of things?

by cheeseman 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cheeseman

    As a kind of follow up to disciples post. God cocked up, didn't deal with the sitch at the time. Now we have this how does He fix it given the current state of things?

    My take is this:

    1) Make grovelling apologies to Satan and his minions for having created them with the ability to do evil and then blaming them for everything.

    2) Take all murderers, paedo's, etc to a small island in the Pacific. Have them engage in brutal mortal combat for the pleasure of the rest of us, until every last one of them is gone.

    3) Apologise to the rest of creation for his mess, restoring us to perfection, et al.

    4) Promise to never make such mistakes in future

    Now you try!

  • cruzanheart

    I picture this as a half-hour sitcom: giant ships from space arrive and land in strategic spots in the earth. Suddenly, a voice is heard from on high telling everyone: "People, thank you so much for auditioning. Your transportation back to your home planet has arrived, and our agents will be in touch with your agents to let you know if you got the part. As you can see, we need a tremendous number of extras for this movie, so I'm sure most of you will be back. Thank you and good luck." Everyone, murmuring in confusion, obediently heads to the transports. Right before the middle commercial, a mother panics because she can't find her child, but right after commercial he is found safe and sound in the wrong line, clutching a puppy. Close-up on the puppy. The transport doors shut and the ships roar into the atmosphere. All is quiet. Next-to-the-last set of commercials.

    Back to the show. God wakes up in bed next to Suzanne Pleshette and says, "I had the strangest dream . . . ."


  • Elsewhere

    The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy highly recommends some of Oolon Colluphid's books: "Where God Went Wrong", "Some More of God's Greatest Mistakes" and "Who Is This God Person Anyway?".

  • Satanus

    He could just collapse the whole thing into nothing, from whence it supposedly came. It would be kind of like anasthesia, no one would even notice his/her going. Or, he could just do it to the earth and moon. I doubt that solar system would be too terribly inbalanced by earth's dissappearance. I suppose that this would leave satan and his hoards in a state of eternal boredom. He could get bored to death, heh heh. Meanwhile yhwh and his club would just be eternally happy, happy, happy, praising and worshipping and stuff.


  • willy_think

    I think it is important to remember that; this system of things, Armageddon, Jesus Christ, the glorious ideal future and heaven... all exist in the imagination. It is critical to be able to differentiate what is real from what is a dream.

  • upside/down

    with a "kegger".


  • trevor

    As far as I can see the animal kingdom and the natural world does not represent a failure on the part of a creator. Rather the natural world is a marvellous manifestation of life on a physical plane. Life in the physical world does involve pain and death. That is the nature of the corporeal world. The animal kingdom does not represent a world gone wrong or deliberately recreated in an imperfect way by a cruel God, who had originally managed to make a world free from suffering.

    The natural world cannot possibly have come into being twice, once perfectly, and then imperfectly. The idea that God will recreate the world for a third time, to turn it back to the way it was the first time, as Paradise restored, is not really feasible. We could ask why he want to change the very nature of wild beasts so they can live as peaceful herbivores in Paradise restored and yet kill off most of the human race?

    Perfect harmony already exists in the natural world. Nature accepts the pain along with the joy because the joy of existence outweighs the pain. It is not possible to have only joy in a physical world. Joy and pain are two sides of the same coin. The natural world is already a wonderful and worthy expression of life on earth. It continues to do what it has always done, that is to improve and advance. It adapts and advances basing its progress on the experience it has accumulated. Not only humans do this but all living things, because they are alive and they hold within themselves the intelligence that is contained in the life force.

  • peacefulpete

    it is a modren myth that nature exists in perfect harmony. In reality nearly all all life exists through harming other life. At time s this dependence upon other life for subsistance has resulted in ecological collapse of immense proportions. At least 3 times the majority of life on earth was extinguished through environmental catastophe. Life survives in it's ever evolving forms by any means it can. This is not 'harmony' but a tenuous balance between the eaters and the eaten.

    But as a 'Bibical' theological excercise I might imagine that a god who kills his servants to protect them from injury (Enoch) could easily just kill everyone he loves and relocate them to heaven. Then i suppose i might as well snuff out the rest because I wouldn't have to impress anyone anymore with my tolerence of injustice.

  • Pleasuredome

    he should throw a big party for everyone with plenty of E's and house music, and say that it was all a joke and from now on its party time!

  • Check_Your_Premises

    Loudly exclaim with lots of lightning, and trumpets, and fanfare that the WT is not His specially chosen and appointed publishing company. He is tired of them sullying His good name.

    As pennance for all the silly ideas they came up with, Russell, Rutheford, Franz have to spend eternity in the new system knocking on the doors of our newly built homes to give us a pamphlet explaining just how wrong they were, and just how much pain and misery was endured so they could live out their fantasy of divine appointment.

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