Brits. Will you vote in next month's General Election?

by nicolaou 41 Replies latest social current

  • LittleToe

    Thanks for that site. The result was pretty much as I expected, though I'll still be using my vote strategically by voting for the SNP:

    Who should I vote for?

    Your expected outcome:

    Liberal Democrat

    Your actual outcome:

    Labour -13
    Conservative -17
    Liberal Democrat 52
    UK Independence Party -4
    Green 27

    You should vote: Liberal Democrat

    The LibDems take a strong stand against tax cuts and a strong one in favour of public services: they would make long-term residential care for the elderly free across the UK, and scrap university tuition fees. They are in favour of a ban on smoking in public places, but would relax laws on cannabis. They propose to change vehicle taxation to be based on usage rather than ownership.

    Take the test at Who Should You Vote For

  • fleaman uk
    fleaman uk

    A good site that...cheers.

    yep,as expected im a lib dem......

  • Abaddon

    I'm registered as an Overseas Elector and will vote.

    Labour lied about Iraq, or as close to an intentional lie as makes no difference. They have doubled spending on health and it will still be two years until the UK hits average heallth spending for the EU, which will give you an idea of why the heath service was so bad to start off with (17 years of COnservative government). I'm unsure about their educational policy but there are generally improvements.

    The Conservatives could not be more pathetic and funny if they actually tried. Isolationist ostrich politics for people who froze their opinions twenty years ago and are too bloody complacent to change them.

    UKIP voters are those too dull-witted to realise they are voting for a party analogous to List Pim Fortyn (sp? of surmane), the Ducth politician. The people standing as UKIP candidates are on average, no more capable than the people standing for List Pim Fortyn in the election-before-last here in Holland. A bunch of losers, by and large, with no capacity for government or abilty to work with others who do not share the blinkered world-view that bought them into politics. The performance of UKIP MEP's proves this; they transcend patheticness. A couple of clicks further to the right and they will be overtly racist and nationalistic; any party that steals votes from a 'former' white-power party (the BNP) needs to sort their act out.

    The Greens have no chance of making change with the current voting system so are irrelevent.

    Lib Dems, yeah, well I'm generally in favour of their policies, so I will probably vote for them as I favour change.

    I did the website thing and came out as;

    • Labour +9
    • Conservative -65
    • UKIP - 16
    • Green +19
    • Lib Dem +78

    Most important thing is not on the election agenda, and that's voting reform and moving to proportional respresentation. Without it we are stuck in the unfunny political joke that is a two-party state.

  • Abaddon

    That is quite beautiful!

    Tell us what happens!

  • zaphod

    hi nicolaou

    i voted for the first time in the last euro election, just to dip my toe in the water, so to speak. i was a bit scared, but it was a postal vote so i knew that none of my former acquaintances would catch me in the act.

    i voted green - and felt like i had, if not made a difference, at least contributed something to society. it felt good.

    i will be voting this time around, haven't decided who for, but i still feel good that i can and am making this contribution to the common good, i suppose. (although it will be a bit more scary turning up at a polling station - i live in a very small town)


  • IT Support
    IT Support

    My thanks, too, scotsman.

    Great site: this is my result...

    Who should I vote for?

    Your expected outcome:

    Liberal Democrat

    Your actual outcome:

    Labour -44
    Conservative -17
    Liberal Democrat 42
    UK Independence Party 5
    Green 19

    You should vote: Liberal Democrat

    The LibDems take a strong stand against tax cuts and a strong one in favour of public services: they would make long-term residential care for the elderly free across the UK, and scrap university tuition fees. They are in favour of a ban on smoking in public places, but would relax laws on cannabis. They propose to change vehicle taxation to be based on usage rather than ownership.

    Take the test at Who Should You Vote For

  • scotsman

    Is LibDem the default electoral choice of exJWs I wonder? Should that make us suspicious of the LibDems?

  • LittleToe

    They are hopefully looking to regionalise that site, which should give a clearer impression of standing respecting the SNP. Doesn't look like it'll be too soon, though.

    Ironically, I got a leaflet through the door from the SNP candidate, last night - first of many canvassers, no doubt - ah well, the JWs don't call, so it'll make a nice change

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    I'm voting Lib Dem, it's the party of social conscience

  • City Fan
    City Fan

    Here's my results:

    Who should I vote for?

    Your expected outcome:


    Your actual outcome:

    Labour -12
    Conservative 32
    Liberal Democrat -32
    UK Independence Party 10
    Green -4

    You should vote: Conservative

    The Conservative Party is strongly against joining the Euro and against greater use of taxation to fund public services. The party broadly supported the Iraq war and backs greater policing and ID cards. The Tories are against increasing the minimum wage above the rate of inflation, and have committed to abolishing university tuition fees. They support 'virtual vouchers' for private education.

    Tory it is then!


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