Let it be this forum or any other, have you made "true friends" over the internet?
Have you made "true friends" over the internet?
by JH 25 Replies latest jw friends
I personally can say that I have.
Yep. I'm still friends with the first person to respond to my first Usenet post six years ago!
Many people today don't even know or talk to their neighbours, but they talk with people around the world on the net. Any special reason why?
i made a wonderful friend from mexico, who contacted me via the web. she found me on a duran duran yahoo group. we met last year and had a great time together, and we're hoping to meet again in december. we're always chatting on the net, and we send DD memorabilia to each other. she's one of the kindest and sweetest woman i've met.
I made a few friends over the net. Naturally distance is a major problem. I would like so much to see my friends, not just once....
I made a few friends over the net. Naturally distance is a major problem. I would like so much to see my friends, not just once....
Those would be called an apostafests! There are several of them throughout the year sponsored by diffirent members here. Big Tex and Nina are having "Crawfest" at the end of this month. I would love to see you there, but I know that as a rat traveling by plane may be a little hard on you.....lol
The rat loves road trips and never takes the plane. Whatever goes up eventually comes down, and sometimes unexpectedly.
If you mean by true friends - have I met them yet? Then I would have to sayno. But have i met people I haven't spoken to for years - like 18 years and renewed friendships then definitely yes. I Lurbve the net! Smoochy smooch!
But I also think I have met some true friends who have given me a wealth of advice on everything via sites and I talk to several times a week. No I haven;t met them yet - I'm a little shy. I feel I can be very open here.