my brother's best friend was also an elder, and he had been having an affairwith my brother's wife for over a year. He very slyly got drunk with my brother, and had him sign something saying he no longer wished to be associated with the org.this creep knew full well, that no-one would speak to my brother ever again, and he knew that his sordid affair with his "best friends" wife would be kept secret. however, in the meantime, this creep had to tell me about it, before my own brother got around to telling me, ??? he did that in order to get me involved, and have me DF'd for slander, I'm sure. In any case, he did have to "step down," and he was so angry that he cursed me, and told me that if he could not be an elder, he was wasting his time being at that KH. Ilaughed in his face, and kicked him off my property. I see he is back at it, kissing up to the powers-that-be, trying to get his position back. And his wife stands by his side, even tho' she was so angry with him that she left him for a few days bacause of his wrongdoing. They make me sick. oh, and the elders paid my sister-in-law a visit, and told her she had better not tell anyone or she would be in trouble for slander against an elder. My brother divorced her, remarried a "worldly" girl and is happy. his ex? she is unhappily remarried in the "truth". Hmmmmm...
p.s. the elder had to step down for getting drunk with my brother...Makes a lot of sense to me???NOT!!! Dee