I was a pretty zealous witness back in my day. I went out after every privilege I could get my hands on. However I never once thought that I was of the "anointed." I am sure there must be a few posters here who at one time or another believed that they were of the JW "anointed class." I always wondered what made people believe that they had received this special privilege. To any poster who once professed or even believed that maybe they were of the "anointed" I would love to get some insight into the thought process that lead to that conclusion. And looking back at it now, how do you feel about having believed that you were of the "anointed?" Thanks.
Question for those who used to be "anointed"
by zugzwang 9 Replies latest jw friends
I was under the impression from the annointed lady that went to my KH that all annointed ones were nutjobs....except my brother who partook when he was little...there's only so much a MS can do when a little kid grabs the wine glass.
sorry zz was never one of the annointed myself, but as a kid I did attempt a bite at the unleavened bread! This is a question I'm sure we will all be curious to hear the answers too. The member of the "annointed" I was closest to was a friend of my fathers, when I was a kid I thought his calling might have been genetic, his parents and grandfather were all of the same calling you see?!...then I thought perhaps it was cause he wished to escape his 6 young kids leaving his poor young wife behind to deal with em! Honestly though, I was always astonished about the way those two kept reproducing like they had forever ahead of them or something, I always wondered how that poor woman felt expecting that ultimately she would be abandoned by him, what about the kids how must they have felt?? Pretty screwed up family situation really. Oh and another member of the "annointed" we were close to as a family had recently been dis'd for adultery...so it seems there might now be a position vacant, get your Resume's up to date peoples!! v
Actually Frog I am kind of surprised that the GB didn't leave the naming of the "anointed" to themselves. As power hungry as they are it would seem only natural that they would want to decide who gets to be "anointed."
As power hungry as they are it would seem only natural that they would want to decide who gets to be "anointed."
It doesn't matter to them who claims to be annointed, they just ignore them. They don't have a vote on any of the GB decisions. My grandmother claimed this status and was never contacted by Rutherford or Knorr. She was a good person and I can still remember her telling us grandkids bible stories, especially the one about the bears killing the kids who made fun of a bald head prophet.
Ken P.
Never thought I was one, however, many of them appeared to be a little off their rocker frankly. One older man in our congregation felt that Mickey Mouse/Disney figures and any other talking "animals" whether cartoon or whatever, were from Satan; this was due to the fact that Satan used the serpent to speak to Eve. LOL Hahahahhahaha Everyone looked up to him as if he were a pope.
Also--a roommate of my sister's who was anointed, if she observed my sister in a cranky mood, once asked "Where did you get that bandana you're wearing?". She explained that if my sister bought the bandana at a thrift shop, it may be a "demonized or possessed" item that needs to be destroyed. She would often say weird things like that, completely obsessed about demonic influence in the home. Come to find out years later, my sister suffered from severe depression--so much for all that demonic influence of household items.
I think many go through an "anointed" phase in the process of exiting the WT.
When I read the Gospels and Pauline epistles and it suddenly "rang" to me as it never did before, I certainly couldn't believe anymore it was meant for "another class". But in the wake of that experience I also realised that the whole doctrine of "two classes" was complete crap. Practically, I partook in the Memorial once and was df'd for apostasy a few weeks later. So it probably doesn't count by your standards, but I guess some people stay in between. They love the NT and cannot help applying it directly to themselves, but they never get to question the whole WT doctrine. This pattern might account for a number of "sincere 'anointed'" among JWs.
Do you mean JW or Biblical definition of annointed? Speaking as a non-JW, if you are still a believer (in Bible not Watchtower) doesn't that refer to all Chistians as annointed. No human could achieve this level of righteous, it is imputed, isn't it?
1 John 2:27
?But the anointing which you have received of Him abides in you, and you need not that any man teach you; but as the same anointing teaches you of all things, and is no lie, and even as it has taught you, you shall abide in Him.?
A lot more than 144,000.
A couple of months ago an 'annointed' elder got DF'd for homosexuality after partaking of the emblems for over 20 years....interestingly enough, a friend I had when I was a dubby accused that elder of sexual harrasment when he was a teen and nobody believed him.
Do you mean JW or Biblical definition of annointed?
I mean the JW definition. Obviously the JW definition is flawed, but for a JW to believe he fits this flawed definition he has to either be insincere (such as the guy Mastodon just mentioned) or sincerely believe it. Granted there are many who were insincere and then many who were mentally unstable. (Many that I knew who professed fit that catagory.) But there has to be some who were sincerely convinced that they fit that special class of people who weren't "off their rocker." And surely some of them have since then left the borg. I was hoping to hear from someone in that situation. That is kind of a personal question so maybe no one is comfortable addressing the subject. I've just always been curious.