My first anti-witness

by cheeseman 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crumpet

    I shall collect on mine cheeseman - just you wait and see! My boyfriend's cousin manages a little hotel up there!

  • Crumpet
  • Did the spider originally catch straw in it's web??
  • I'm having to fake a coughing fit to hide my hysterical giggles at work!

  • rebel8

    Cheeseman, that was awesome. I got a laugh out of it. I do remember people saying stuff like that to me when I was a dub, and while saying the rehearsed responses, I did privately think the other people were right. Hopefully you got through to them.

    I used to think SpongeBob was a big piece of cheese. My little cousin still laughs about me thinking he was cheese!

  • googlemagoogle

    that's great.

    the bible contradicts a lot. prophecies hardly ever came true, and those that came true usually were nonprophecies. you may want to have a look at:

    the skeptics annotated bible has a list of biblical errors, contradictions, unfulfilled prophecies, scientific errors and so on. the other two links are a lot to read, but have a lot of good arguments too.

    more or less official, the jws believe that animals didn't eat meat until after the flood. the mentioned question about the spider is very good. another animal that hardly anyone would imagine eating herbs is the shark. noah's ark is a good thing to break apart.
  • googlemagoogle

    one thing to keep in mind about prophecies is that they (and other christians) twist things a lot. if a prophecy has not come true yet (one would think it has been a while now, but well), it MUST come true in the future. OR it came true invisibly! hard to disprove that. prophecies are a very hard topic if you are not prepared. especially when they do that daniel-revelation-one-day-for-a-year math class. it's so confusing when you hear that for the first time, that it's easy for them to show off, bombing you with numbers and out of context bible verses.

    don't let them get there. your argument about a circle not being a sphere is a pretty good one. they'll probably come along with some hebrew noun, that "also can be translated as sphere", but you can easily refute that by asking why it wasn't translated as sphere then.

    don't tell them too much complicated things, at one point a jw brain just switches to "we know we have the truth, no matter what" mode. it's better to keep things simple, depending on what your intention is. if you want them to start thinking, go "noah's ark" and the like. if you want them to look like idiots, bomb them home with bible history vs. real history for example.

  • fairchild

    lol cheeseman. A few more visits like that and you'll be on the do not call list.

  • upside/down
    Would JWs tolerate a "Galileo" in their midst? I think not.

    Exactly what I was thinking. Interestinly I was doing research sometime back on the Mormons via the WTS CD lieberry and noticed that their entire argument (non-doctrinally) against the Mormons is that they are a high-control faith, that isolates its members and is basically inbred and they create such a tight social structure that no one would dare leave for the consequences of losing family, job and community standing is too great... and get this, they say because the Mormons "love bomb" new ones it's usually too late before the unwary prey realizes how caught he or she is and is too invested to leave.

    The Dubs have stolen the Mormons playbook!

    Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!!!

    Anyway... I firmly believe that if Christ himself appeared on the Earth, the Dubs would consider him "apostate", because everything he taught is in conflict with their organ-eye-zational policies.

    u/d (of the truth about the truth has set me free class)

  • cheeseman

    Wow, just been to that biblical errancy website. I can't believe anyone would think the scriptures were inspired after reading it. The evidence is humongous. Anyone still believing the bible needs to check that out. I'm blown away. Thanks googlemagoogle!

    Praise (the real) God for the Internet.

  • googlemagoogle

    I firmly believe that if Christ himself appeared on the Earth, the Dubs would consider him "apostate", because everything he taught is in conflict with their organ-eye-zational policies.

    i said this to an elder a while ago.. lol. he flipped out.

  • googlemagoogle

    be careful with some bible contradictions though: check them on the NWT or another bible you got before you use them. because a few are very translation-dependant, like the 2 kings 8:26 vs. 2 chron. 22:2 contradiction, in the NWT there's 22 years in both verses while older/other translations have 22 vs. 42. but there's still a hell of a lot other contradictions, especially comparing kings to chronicles. those i like most, because it's all about numbers and dates, so you can show that the bible aint accurate at all when it comes to numbers. bye bye calculating dates.

    if you want to prepare something for their returning visit, it would be a good idea to try to "convince" us here before, as we know a lot about twisting things the jw way. because their response to obvious contradictions often is "it has to be viewed in a symbolical sense".

    some good contradictions and nonprophecies:
    - does god repent? (num. 23:19 vs. ex. 32:14)
    - does god punish children for the sins of their parents? check this link
    - matt. 27:9-10 quotes some jeremiah prophecy that doesn't exist. ask them to show you the reference.

    but then again, they'll be puzzled where you got your knowledge from ;-) impossible to know more about the bible than the average jw, you know. even if they don't read the bible, they have their "spiritual food on proper time" so they have to know better...

    the way you reasoned at the first visit is probably a better approach. simple, logical and straight to the point.

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