Were there any lies in your congregation?
by badboy 17 Replies latest jw friends
Lies? You mean other than the big ones - that there is a God and he's going to kill you if you don't do everything we say?
It would be easier to ask ...
Were there any truths?
... and the answer would be no.
i was offered the po position (sounds like something from the kama sutra...not that i know anything about the kama sutra)...by another elder who was friendly with the co....but he was campaigning behind the existing pos back which i didnt agree with so i turned it down.. even though said po was useless and needed to be changed it was an underhand way to go about it..later at my jc both the elder who made the offer (who was now po) and the ousted po were present and the subject came up and i reminded him that he had tried to bribe me with the pos job,something that the ousted po was unaware of, and he denied it to my face..on a jc..after a prayer..with jesus and the holy spirit present..lol
Were there any lies in your congregation?
Just about everything that was said from the platform.
Ain't enough "cyber-paper" to write 'em all down. Between the gossips, elderettes, and BOE cloak and dagger crap I figure about 85% of most everything I heard for 20 years was a fabrication.
Let's not even start about doctrines...........
"we dont have the problem of paedophilia in god's organisation"
Our PO (Don Crane) in Denison Iowa lied about the meeting attendance figures in HUGE WAY. We had about 60% attendance... he turned in to the CO that we had 110%.
The Aliso Viejo Congregation Body of
ClownsElders, wrote a letter to my new congo (well after I moved) and told them that my bro-in-law (a Dub that was never called before a JC, hmmmm?) and I had made a trip back to Cali and at gun point tried to extort money from the millionaire "brother" asshole that was boinkin my wife. PURE FICTION (although I wish I'd actually done it) and I was on a JC fighting for my life. I have proof and witnesses - I was told to DROP IT and FORGET as if it had never happened (letters to the CO and Society fell on deaf ears). Told to just "wait on J" UGH!My father in law (Paul Bowles) Harlan, Iowa... has lied on every "time slip" he ever turned in. I was in service EVERY DAY (reg.pio) and that bastard would turn in 60-70 hours when in fact he'd done at most 8-10, not that I give a flyin f*ck but the CO was so enamored with his "time" that he appointed him
Emperorelder of the hall. Plus he's an alcoholic sexual predator.... now he runs the congo... ain't that the "sh*t"?That's not even the tip of the iceberg!