The Papal Spectacle. More smoke, mirrors, bells, and whistles.

by Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice. 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.

    So The Greatest Show on Earth rolls around again. Traditional catholics must be exulted to be a part of the death of one pope and the selection of another. Many of them would not have thrilled to such a glorious occasion.

    A spectacular location, a cast of millions (most of whom are alive), lavish costumes and props, and plenty of superstitious ceremonies and customs. A spectacle like this hasn't happened for many years. Catholics everywhere are excited with all of the ritualistic hoopla and pompous behavior.

    So much so, that the lastest proposal coming from the vatican is that all future popes should be no younger than eighty years, so that these gala events can be enjoyed on a more regular basis.

    It's good for business.

    So the pope is laying in state. What state is that? I would say a state of progressive putrid decay.

    cheeses - god rest his soul (or whatever)

  • xjw_b12

    I actually thought the pope looked better this week than he has in years

  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.

    Yes Dave, I agree. Finally realising that he was dead, and had been for many years, really did wonders for him. He really looked a picture of health. Perhaps more people should start using embalming fluid and stay away from botox and cosmetic surgery.

    cheeses. wondering if the position of pope is advertised in the classifieds.

  • rebel8

    Dubs believe rituals are wrong just because they are rituals; rituals are wrong in themselves; there is something demonic about rituals.

    I believe rituals are a harmless human tradition. As long as they are not hurting anybody, I see nothing wrong with them. If they meet their emotional/social/psychological needs by doing a ceremony of some kind, good for them.

    The RC church, being as old as it is, developed a lot of symbols and rituals for an additional reason: communication. There was no CNN. There were no microphones, hearing aids, or eyeglasses. There was widespread illiteracy. A symbol, such as a robe or smoke, is visible from afar and communicates quickly to people who otherwise could not hear or see a speaker from a distance.

  • seekerman

    Oh my gosh. I entered this chat group to hear maybe christian love instead I hear insults,hate and very unchristian understanding or love. Many mourn. I have been looking into JW wanting to find out more and if it is for me. I shall wait to see what more I hear on this chat fourm.

  • GetBusyLiving

    Welcome to the forum seeker man. This is the place to get the real truth on the witnesses.


  • SixofNine

    :If they meet their emotional/social/psychological needs by doing a ceremony of some kind, good for them.


    Alternatively, people could just grow up.

  • fairchild

    seekerman, you have a private message.

  • Big Dog
    Big Dog

    I have always been amazed at the issue that many take with ritual etc. Most of us have little daily rituals we perform, we have a morning routine that we do a certain way, or we drive to work a certain way, or we do tasks in some little order that has become comfortable to us. Surgeons lay out their instruments a certain way everytime so as not to make a mistake, or those that handle firearms often have a little ritual to make sure the weapon is clear and safe before handling it. In the martial arts there is a huge amount of ritual and symbolism designed to put one in a certain mental state that will help avoid training accidents and that add meaning to the training for the students.

    Ritual can be comforting, putting one in a relaxed and calm state, nothing wrong with that. I understand that when associated with religion ritual takes on a different tone, but the concept is the same. Its like anything else, if it doesn't hurt anyone else, we may not understand it, or "get" it, but we don't have to rip it to shreds either.

  • Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.
    Holey_Cheeses*King_of_the juice.

    Big Dog,

    Don't mistake safe work practices or personal habits for rituals. There is a distinction.

    And as far as the symbolic and fantastic rituals of catholicism, or any other religion for that matter are concerned, many people over many years have been hurt because of failing to understand that the ringing of the bells, the flowing robes, the gold chains, beads, swinging incense burners, and whatever else these magnificent ones do, it is because they wish to put their followers into "a certain mental state" whereby these followers will believe all these little 'acts' will be pleasing to some almighty being. A load of bunkum.

    cheeses. Thought for the day - If you don't believe your god to be a murdering malevolent thing, then you haven't been reading your bible correctly.

    P.S. I fail to see anyone ripping rituals to shreds - yet.

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