Has the quality of jws gone down?

by badboy 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • cheeseman

    The real question is... Has the quality of "apostates" gone up?

    I'd have to say we are becoming diluted. As time goes on, armageddon waits forever, more and more average minded ones will see through the organisation and join our ranks. (I should know...I don't have much in the brains dept. but even I can see through them!)

    Sorry 'bout the bad news.

  • Abaddon

    Wie? Wat?

    Ik woon in Nederlands, mar ik ben Engels!

    (I live in Holland, but I'm English.}

    Not that being Dutch isn't lovely in its own way

  • Whiskeyjack

    I'd have to agree with the idea of a general decline. My impression (thru observations and discussions) is that there is a decline in the intellectual quality in JW general communications but also with the ministerial ability of the "average" JW.

    As the "Good News"- JW style- becomes more ridiculous (dateline doctrine, etc...), the org. will have to focus on the ill-educated in each of its branch office jurisdictions' respective societies.


  • GetBusyLiving

    I think it has for sure. They only seem to be attracting social misfits and completely down and outs nowadays. As a plus for the apostate still needing to attend meetings, a lot of them make for hilarious pre and post meeting banter.


  • Poztate
    Has the quality of jws gone down?

    I will just deal with one area...Beliefs.Years ago (yes I know I am old) there was a lot more dealing with core beliefs at the meetings. In recent years talking with a number of young persons they only have a vague knowledge of what was taught and what is being taught.They are just going along for the ride and they don't have a clue as to what is going on.I think the WT likes it like that.

  • FairMind
    They are just going along for the ride and they don't have a clue as to what is going on.I think the WT likes it like that.

    Not having a target date to aim for takes the steam out of the preaching and teaching work.

  • Honesty

    What made you ask?

  • whyamihere

    Well I left didn't I?

    Of course it went down since I have gone.


  • Euphemism

    Maybe it's because they're buying them on eBay...

    Buy JWs on eBay

  • Dustin

    Not a doubt in my mind that it has. The JW's now are becoming smarter in general to the brainwashing effects of the society. God bless the internet.

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