M y Parents replied for non family business! hurray!

by Crumpet 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nancy Drake
    Nancy Drake


    I know what those little things mean.

    I'm glad you had the chance to have some real communication with your parents. I am very happy for you! Keep talking to them, and maybe you can break down that barrier!!!

    Love, Tracy

  • Crumpet

    Talesin - i thought you were a girl!

    crumpet of the long lost daddy class

  • talesin

    I am a girl!! hahaha

    I was just making a joke about being a 'daddy's girl' --- I guess it flopped, huh?


  • DanTheMan

    aw, now you've got me all choked up...

    Good for you crumpet!!!!

  • willyloman

    Crumpet: Love never fails!

    (one of the things in the bible that turned out to be true)

  • tijkmo

    this is what i think might happen with 'get in touch with your family day'

  • Crumpet

    Thank you all of you - you'd do hard to wipe this smile off my face.

    I know its just a crack in the ice, but one crack - well who knows how much that can be hacked at!

    But to be fair I haven't ever tried before to be in touch with them in happy mode. I always ring when I am about to kill myslef - so maybe a bit unbalanced am I. I feel unbalanced in my joy.I just approached them under the conditons they expected and I expect everytrime I did it reiterated their feeling of smug slef righteousness - I don't mean that meanly - I was there.

    People really do respond the way you you expect them too.

    And if I get another few months on here I might even be in a position to show them the truth was lies if they ever get a glip and want to see me ... thats such a huge dream! I would love them to be alive!

    The weird thing is - I know they would love me so mch more now than the grumpy girl that the other mums at the primary school gates used to ask about in terms of "who died" until they took me asway from school - one of the reasons that my unhappy face brought reproach on Jehovah's name.

    I wish everyone would try - because I've been so long away from my mum and dad and if they could respond it means there are little mouseholes in.

    Would you give it a go - any of you? The love offensive?

  • Eyebrow2

    Crumpet....thank you for sharing! I am very happy for you!

    Yes...definately contact them more in the happy mode...I think that is a good idea. Maybe they will respond better when you need to contact them when you are down if you also contact them when things are okay. You don't want your parents to think you only want them when you are in crisis mode.

    I wish you the best...hopefully this can be a new start for your and your parents.!


  • lisavegas420
    Would you give it a go - any of you? The love offensive?

    I'm doin' it! I'm going to find a nice card and a small photo album or scrapbook this weekend and just send some happy thoughts.

    Thanks for the encourgement, and I hope things only get better for you from here.


  • Crumpet

    Oh brilliant lisavegas! I'm glad you decided to. if anything this experience proved to me that my parents do love me - and it is hard for them not to know what I'm doing and how I am because of their cult. Maybe my mum had had a glass of wine to celebrate her anniversary and relaxed for that tiny singular moment - God knows I had one my end to celebrate!

    Hope you have some success in thawing out your family Lisa

    crumpet x

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