some advice about meeting door to door jws

by Hepzibah 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Hepzibah

    Hi im new here and found this forum via a search engine - I am a practicing christian and the other day i had a knock on the door - got into an interesting conversation with two Jws and as i didnt have much time invited them back - in the meantime they had posted a booklet on the trinity or there version of it and when they came back the novice had been replaced by someone who had obviously had a lot more experience at talking to christians I didnt want to get into a bible debate - and asked them about their salvation and how they knew they were saved - but they just seemed to be reading from a different script than me - as much as i tried we ended up batting bible texts back and forth anyway to sum up - they want to come back to do a bible study on any topic i choose i wanted some advice - as i said id think about it - on the one hand i would just rather phone up and say no thanks as i dont think theres anything i could discuss that might make them think for themselves as they do seem totally brainwashed - but just though id ask whether any of you lot thought its worth pursuing any line of conversation with them at all one thing i did notice is how confusing it was and the fact that they just change the words in their bible to suit their theology - although they did say that they would use any translation i wanted to study - but then you just think in the back of their minds theyd be reminding themselves that my translation was in error tia kate

  • Honesty
    they want to come back to do a bible study on any topic i choose

    Ask them to scripturally show you it is OK for a JW to get a blood transfusion in Bulgaria but it is not OK anywhere else.

    Ask them to scripturally show you that men need a mediator other than Jesus.

    Ask them what 1 John 2: 26 - 27 means.

    Ask them if it is OK to join the Republican or Democratic party. When they say no, ask them why did the WTBTS join the UN.

    Ask them if they baptise in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

    Ask them to show you where in the bible it says God used any organisation to accomplish His purposes. If they mention the ark I would tell them that God was using a family and not an organisation.

    That will either keep them busy for a long time or they will run from you.

  • DevonMcBride

    Welcome to the forum. Here is a link with more questions to ask the JW's.

  • BrendaCloutier

    Hepzibah, welcome to JWD forum.

    A note, Jehovah's Witnesses are run by the Governing Body of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society = a publishing company = as the Mouthpeice of Jehovah. Their Faithfull and Discrete Slave they consider to be the Mediator between Christ and Man. None of this has basis in scriptural truth, no matter what bible you use.

    JW-ism is considered, at best, a high control group, if not a cult. They are not christian because they twist the basis of Christianity and the Christ's redemption for us all, not just them.

    Ask about the 144,000 as the only ones going to heaven.

    Hep, good luck.

  • Billygoat
    Hi im new here and found this forum via a search engine - I am a practicing christian and the other day i had a knock on the door - got into an interesting conversation with two Jws and as i didnt have much time invited them back - in the meantime they had posted a booklet on the trinity or there version of it and when they came back the novice had been replaced by someone who had obviously had a lot more experience at talking to christians I didnt want to get into a bible debate - and asked them about their salvation and how they knew they were saved - but they just seemed to be reading from a different script than me - as much as i tried we ended up batting bible texts back and forth anyway to sum up - they want to come back to do a bible study on any topic i choose i wanted some advice - as i said id think about it - on the one hand i would just rather phone up and say no thanks as i dont think theres anything i could discuss that might make them think for themselves as they do seem totally brainwashed - but just though id ask whether any of you lot thought its worth pursuing any line of conversation with them at all one thing i did notice is how confusing it was and the fact that they just change the words in their bible to suit their theology - although they did say that they would use any translation i wanted to study - but then you just think in the back of their minds theyd be reminding themselves that my translation was in error tia kate

    *whew* That was the longest run on sentence I have ever seen. I'm out breath just reading it. Dude, ever hear of periods? j/k Welcome to the board. Andi

  • alw

    welcome hepzibah,

    ask them to read isaiah 2v2-4 with you, after they tell you how peaceloving they are and how they are obeying that prophecy,ask them why it is they, the wt org. has been making money with the regi companies who make the "smart bombs" that we were all amazed at in the first gulf war.

    prepare yourself with the info. on

    also interesting is

    if their mouths drop open wide, they will be just the rank and file jws, if they squirm and wriggle then change the subject they are probably elders who will then make a quick exit, been there done that.

    all the best to you, mr alw

  • El blanko
    El blanko

    I suppose you could accept the Bible study and then come back here before each session for a briefing. The various heads on this board could equip you with information and an insiders point of view, before you tackle "your chosen subject".

    It has to be worth a shot!

    All the best with whatever you decide to do.

  • googlemagoogle

    you know, they prepared what they are going to tell you. no matter what you say, they'll keep switching back to their topic. after all, that's the topic they prepared.

  • El blanko
    El blanko
    you know, they prepared what they are going to tell you. no matter what you say, they'll keep switching back to their topic. after all, that's the topic they prepared.

    That is true, but if you have enough of an assertive character and keep switching it back to your own subject, it can work. This worked with a sister I spoke to last week and she had no choice but to keep on my track. She attempted to bounce me through a few scriptures, but I saw what she was trying to do, so remained one step ahead. I do mean assertive in a kind way as well - I played to her heart, rather than her mind. She is a well established and well versed sister, so I know it is possible as long as you keep your cool and know the game in advance.

  • blondie
    why did the WTBTS join the UN

    Just a little tweaking on this question, the WTBTS did not "join" but rather "associated" themselves with the UN as a non-governmental organization. It does mean that they have to support the goals of the UN which the WTBTS views as being the scarlet-colored wild beast of Revelation that the harlot rides.

    For more information on this point and others:

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