Hi all. I am somewhat new to board. I am member of a few Yahoo email groups, but this is my first attempt to chat with so many ex witnesses. I have no idea where to being and would like a few pointers.. There is SO much here...
A little about me.. I'm a 30s chick and I was raised in but never got baptized.. My mother is only one in whole family that is witness, but since I was not raised with any other family members, her religion is/was only thing I knew.. I gave up almost 10 years ago, thinking it was ME... but 3 years ago I joined a women's exjw support group and now I am realizing it was THEM not ME... SO here I am at 33 not knowing what to believe or who to trust... I do NOT trust the JWs, and can barely stand religion at all...
I hope I can chat with others... And learn how to rid myself of the Guilty feelings..