Even though my mom has done things to hurt us terribly I have decided to leave her in my will. I talked to my lawyer and he is going to set it up where she will get X amount per month. It will be enough to pay her expenses and maybe a little extra which I hope she uses for entertainment. She will probably give it to the dubs, it won't be much, and I will be dead so it's not like I will be rolling in my grave or anything. I know for my situation I am doing the right thing. Thanks for the feedback.
Would you leave anything in your will for dub relatives?
by unbeliever 22 Replies latest jw friends
Donate it to the library because if the relatives burn it they have to replace it
Dont bother I did donate two to the Public Library & both were stolen.
Yes I dont have much to leave I have paid for my cremation,my lot, & in my insurance there is 8 thousand to divide ( besides car & furniture & HUNDREDs of EX JW Tapes EX JW Videos, EXJW Books, ) I half left it to be divided between my two remaining children One a JW the other NOT - Asking that they give 200 dollars to each of my grandchildren ( 7 of them)one a pioneer)
I feel I am RICH by leaving them such IMPORTANT info by my EX stuff. LOL -
but if that's not enough you can bet I'll help them out.
They're still family; if I rejected them, I'd be as bad as the cult.
This is how I feel too. Family is family, and if I had money, you better believe my family members would get some, JW or not.