Can someone tell me what the hell is going on.?? My boyfriends Mom is visiting and she cornered me into going to the frigging hall. Saying she was uncomfortable driving a stick. Now get this I had no idea my boyfriend had been disfollowshiped until she leaked it on the the way home.(I had posted a few months back regarding how they were keeping him in long meetings and he was freaking out about armageddon)
But anyway, I took her to the hall and they had a special annoucement they read a offical letter from the WBTS (thats really the only time I paid attention) It read something like: If anyone has lost a loved one or belongings that were from the Nazi prison camps please see a elder. I think they want to pay them or something.It seemed really odd. What is that all about..
It wasnt enough to just take her and sit in there, she also stayed for
the freaking BOOK STUDY they actually ask questions from the audience but get this..They give you the answer in the same paragraph they its almost like they dont want you to answer from you own mind...there was alot of brainwashing going on.
ITs sick to hear those little kids answering questions that are already written in the watchtower ?? They keep saying dont worry about being purseacuted because so was jesus.because JW is the only true religion.