Ruined marriages

by greendawn 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • greendawn

    Thank you all for the replies as I understand it there is no formal policy on breaking marriages when one spouse leaves the org but the climate they create with their propaganda is such that it puts intense strain on such marriages and eventually most of them fall apart. The spouse that left the org usually has to go through a lot of psychological warfare and he/she then goes and finds a more peaceful and meaningful relationship.

  • tijkmo

    well put this a start of a new greenday

  • Dismembered

    Excellent post Jill. Thanks for the upate/reminder that it's still the same bs. And we miss nothing.


    "Don't you go dyin' on me now"

  • greendawn

    Tijkmo when you come into this org thinking that you will find a loving mother and instead you find a dangerous witch it has to be a good dawn when you dare to break the bond that ties you to her and move on to something natural and creative. Being under her spell caused enough harm and it will do more if you stay longer. Don't forget their real slogan is not "preach and save" but "charm and harm".

  • Navigator

    When the elders realized that I was not going to become a JW they started preparing my wife for a divorce which they were sure would come. This was back in the early 1960s. We've come close a coupe of times but are still together. She is a full time Pioneer and one of the "annointed". I am active in a local Unity Church where I teach a class in Metaphysics. Needless to say, we don't discuss relion very much. All of my 6 kids have bailed out except one who is married to a second generation JW. Two have divorced their JW spouses. The elders get nervous when a JW is married to a "non-believing spouse".

  • tijkmo

    greendawn are you my mother or a witch,,,,,i get so confused

  • greendawn

    Tijkmo, mother and witch refer to the WTS they say they are the mother organisation (Jehovah being the father) so you expect them to be loving and helpful people but they are instead full of dark and destructive power like a witch. Even worse the father is a very severe, unforgiving, and exacting god so they are really in a pickle there. You got it now?

  • Mamacat

    My mom has been baptized for over 20 years, and my dad is a non-JW. He has went to a grand total of two meetings, both about 5 years ago. I don't remember there was ever anyone trying to break them up, and my dad was staunchly opposed for many years. He would try to keep my mom from going to meetings, and sometimes he suceeded. He would hide the car keys, take the phone off the wall, etc.

    However, I do remember the elders wanted to come over a few times and have a family meeting with us and requested my dad to be present. Daddy wouldn't agree to it, though. He used to complain about how much time my mom spent at the meetings, but now she pioneers, so I guess he just lets her do what she wants.

  • greendawn

    Mamacat the situation here refers to marriages where one of the spouses WAS a JW and then left the org or was disfellowshipped, not to a situation where a spouse NEVER was a JW. The JWs particularly dislike those that were in the fold and left since to them they are cheap and worthless apostates worse than any worldly person.

  • Check_Your_Premises

    It would probably be wise for a person who wants to leave the org to attempt to loosen the hold it has on their spouse BEFORE making the step of leaving the org.

    Take it slow. Try to leave together.

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