Would you let your kids stay over at his house? In his bed?
For those of you who are "sure" Michael Jackson is innocent. Would you.....
by avishai 16 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
fleaman uk
I agree his behaviour is weird and certainly inappropriate...but the Molestation charges?innocent til proven guilty is my view.
Would you let your kids stay over at his house? In his bed?
No and No...I wouldnt let my kids stay over in Neverland even though MJ is not proven guilty at this point, its just common sense. How can anyone be "Sure" that he isnt guilty anyway? Brummie
One problem I think the prosecution has here, is that by bringing the past accusers to the witness stand, may show that maybe he was a molester before, but it doesn't prove a damn thing about this kid on the current charges.
I am nervous to think that maybe Jackson is guilty, at least of past wrongdoings. However, I still think the current case lacks any proof so far, and the family are a bunch of greedy liars. That part, at least has been proven.
So far, most of the people taking the stand have been shown to not be very trustworthy. Many sides to each story.
That being said, I would not allow my children to be in any adults bed, I don't care who it is, except for me and my wife. Period.
Personally I have no idea whether he is innocent or guilty.
My 7 year old son has no idea what is going on in the media so i find his reaction to Michael Jackson interesting. We have a few of his music DVD's and watch them from time to time. My son likes to watch them, but I can see he is uneasy about some of the things that MJ does in them, eg. the whole crotch grabbing thing. He can tell that there is something about him that is just not right, and has no desire whatsoever to meet the guy.
So if my 7 year old son can see that this guy is weird then I would go with my son's gut feeling and say no, I would not even want my son in the same room as the guy.
innocent til proven guilty is my view.
I agree!!!The love of money can make folks do very wicked things- He has paid off so many thousands to save all this "crap" ----My self I believe he is weird! but in my opinion being "railroaded " For money!!! Only God knows!!!!
I am not sure he's innocent, but I do think there's a good chance he is.
I wouldn't let my kids stay at his house nor in his bed, but I wouldn't let them stay at your house or in your bed either
(or anyone elses bed for that matter).
But it's a great point. IF he is guilty, then these parents should be charged with endangering the welfare of their children.
franklin J
whether he is innocent or not IS NOT the point --in my appraisal.
I would never let my kids sleep over anyones house I did not know and trust personally. The fact that he is (was) a grown man and they were kids is just ludicrous; questionable for the parents involved. One cannot help but question THEIR motives for even allowing such an arrangement.
When stuff like this keeps resurfacing over and over, one has to start wondering why. One false accusation I can see, but not over and over.
I am sure my son would not stay overnight with MJ. But then, he is 32 years old.
"Some things are true, whether you believe them or not."
Well, I'm a little entertained by the evidence of disgruntled ex-employees with failed cases or adverse judgements against them, being presented.
It is prejudicial, although not neccesarily because of any reality to the accusations, but because mud sticks.
He is a fool. An pedophile? I just don't know.
However, I would not let him look after my kids if he was found innocent simply because he has the good judgement of cardboard box and the common-sense of a banana.