Hi Evita,
Your story reminds me of someone I know of, but likely you are not that person. Anyway, many of us share your feelings on this, because we have walked difficults roads. It is especially hard on those who were raised JWs, and then find themselves on the outside looking in at relatives who shun them, or even partially shun them. You are fortunate in that your Mm chose not to shun you entirely. But, even such fortune does not heal the internal pain of what we have lost.
The healing can be faster for some, and very slow for others. One therapist told me that from the descriptions he has heard over the years, that leaving the JWs is like getting a divorce. People do eventually move on, but they never really totally heal from the tragedy. But, I believe that we can come very close to healing if we take some helpful measures. Based on your description, it sounds like your siblings are not really in the JWs anymore ... so, you have them to be part of your life. You never mentioned yuor father. Was/is he a JW? Is he still alive? Do you have any close friends or any other relatives still in the organization? Once I hear the rest of your story, I will expand on some things I have learned ... and I will deal with the above questions.
I was in the JWs altogether for 27 years (25 years as a baptized JW). I got my family and a couple of friends out of the organization ... and I rebuilt a new life with my non-JW family and old non-JW friends ... and I have made new friends. But, it has been a long road ... 13 years since I walked away in April of 1992, and almost 10 years since I was forcibly DA'd by the Watchtower legal department.
Being on this forum and some select others has been most helpful ... other forums are made up of ex-JWs who have gone to the dogs, so I avoid them simply because the rhetoric is far to vitriolic and toxic. There are many good folks here who can give wise and caring help ... so, I hope you will draw upon them. You can start off using the PM service on this site, and have some great one-on-one dialogue. I will look for your continuing story. You can either PM me on this baord to let me know when you post it, or e-mail me at [email protected].
I have been in several congregations on the west coast, so if you are from that area, then maybe we can compare notes if you like.
All the best ... take care, it does get better over time.
Jim Whitney