How's this weekend for you? Time to have some R&R? I think some have had one of those weeks, eh? Methinks it's time for some welcome rest.
So what shall we reminisce about this week? For the past four polls we've been examining the "Awake! goes monthly" issue so this weekend we'll take a bit of a break and consider something much more general.
How are you finding freedom? Hard to adjust to?
This wekend's poll question is..........................................
What did you find it hardest to do?
1. Wear a party hat.
2. Put up a Xmas tree.
3. Say "I forgive you" and mean it!
4. Not wear a tie.
5. Go anywhere with a 'meeting bag'.
6. Pray for the President/Queen
7. Look forward to christmas.
8. Wear 'worldly' dress.
9. Smoke
10. Have a blood transfusion.
11. Say that Christ is God.
12. Stop humming those Kingdom Songs!
13. Keep using the words "the Truth".
14. Call the witnesses "brother" and "sister'.
15. Get rid of all the WTS publications.
16. Actually feel guilty about missing the Memorial.
17. Expecting the Sec to phone asking for my report!
18. Other (please detail)
So whaddyareckon? let us know.
Cheers, Ozzie