Dan, a question: you stated "Nobody records from the radio using cassette tapes anymore, so it's not a useful analogy."
But in the not-so-far-away-past, we did'nt have the possibility to "share" mp3's and people did record the music from the radio.... So was it stealing or not ?
I think it is the same - no matter what quality ... (and downloaded music is 'nt that good either. I find myself buying CD's and DVD's for the better quality)
That does'nt mean that I am against sharing, I am not. Not because the artists are asking to much for their music (they do) but I think that all the talk about "rights" have gone to far..
My family did explore a showroom for fancy CV elements - rather large space. We did have a taperecorder with some music - else it was so quiet (we did have almost 10 visitors a day) We got a visit from the BUMA / STEMRA since our showroom was so large, there could be a 100 men / women in at the same time, we had the choice to either pay for the rights Euro 400,-- or remove the installation - which we did. (don't remember if we had to pay per month, 3 months or per year)
Point is, we had to pay to let our visitors listen to the music... they did'nt come for the music, they did'nt ask for the music, and we were charged for a huge amount.
In my opinion, music should have to be free after a few months -
There are a lot of artists here, bringing their music out on DVD: they are not so easy and so cheap to copy. But they are doubled in price. I refuse to buy those: I don't want the face of that singer, I only want to hear him. When I am able to get these numbers on mp3 - I get them (but only when I enjoy the music)