What did primates and guinea pigs do to have their 'fall'? Was there a banana of the knowledge of good and bad? Or a hamster ball of life?
STILL using Answers in Genesis? Aren't you afraid that the pattern of bad science this website displays, as I have demonstrated in past threads on multiple subjects, makes it a rather risky source?
I really don't know why you don't check for the rebuttals of the claims your fave Creationists make before you post them.
Obviously you are free to rebutt this in turn;
An interesting point directly related to Woodmorappe's claims is;
... this interpretation completely ignores the fact that many pseudogenes are shared between apes and humans, located in the same positions and sharing the same genetic defects, apparently the result of the same genetic accident or "degenerative change" in a common ancestor. (If these shared pseudogenes arose after the "Fall" as suggested by Woodmorappe, did the "Fall" perhaps occur before man diverged from the apes?)
AGAIN, rather than allowing yourself to believe in a god that is not limited by the limited and flawed conception of god held by a pastoralist herder, you argue that the patoralist had inerrant information you can interpret precisely, and that even if the evidence doesn't support it, the goat herd is right.
BOTH claims, that of inerrant information being supplied in the Bible, and that of one being able to claim a precise interpretation are unfounded, unless one take the positon (as you do) that somehow modern science is deeply and fundamentally flawed in all areas regarding evolution, abiogenesis, cosmology, archeology, etc., (whilst being spot on in most other areas, like how 'planes fly, planets orbit, electric lights shine, radioactive materials decay, etc.).
And you've never answered once why you feel it is neccesary to limit god's power and majesty to the simplistic understandings of several thousand years ago. It seems again your opinion, rather than god, are central to your arguments, as if god's truth were central to your arguments you really wouldn't have such a hard time proving what you think is true.
But my musings over your expression of belief aside, I'd be interested to hear your theory of
- how original sin was visited upon primates and hamsters, and
- your reaction to the above quoted point about humans and apes share genetic defects in a way that validates evoltionary theory in general and decsent in particular, and falsifies Woodmorappe's claims.