how much are the JWs worth?

by Jools j 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jools j
    Jools j

    it has been said that the mormon church is worth upwards of $30 billion. how does this compare to the JWs?
    isn't extraordinary how both of these fakes keep on taking and taking (_your_money, for JW lurkers & trolls) but don't appear to put it back into society?
    i know that the top dogs in the LDS have sumptious acommodation. do the top dogs in the JWs?

    i'm a crossover from the RFM board after an invitation from dave et al.

  • Fredhall

    Jools J,

    Since I'm a very rare cat. I probably worth a couple million dollars.

  • nytelecom1

    of course we give back to society you friggin idiot.....didnt you see what the country of Congo gave us.

    if you call living in a 1 bedromm apt...being told what you will eat 2 weeks in advance and getting up at 7 am. sitting at a table with 9 other people with stinky breath..........than they sure as hell are living large........Master P who????

  • Yerusalyim


    You are indeed a rare cat and you're absolutely PRICELESS, or is it WORTHLESS? Hmmmmmm.

    Last figures I saw was that New York's Budget was a cool 700+ MILLION a year. Now that's thier budget, Net worth WELL into the billions. Realestate in NY doesn't come cheap. Nor do printing presses and perfect binders. Heck, Probably close to a billion or more just with the printing facility alone. If someone tells me how many presses and binders they have, I can have my dad run an off the cuff analyzes on what it would fetch on the open market.

    Yeru (who used to be a printer)

    "Vanity! It's my favorite sin!"
    [Al Pacino as Satan, in "DEVIL'S ADVOCATE"]

  • Jools j
    Jools j

    so have your dad run the analysis, pls. i'd like to know what the gross and net worth of the jehova's witnesses is. i'd like, again, any doubting lurkers to understand what all their pains-taking hours working for this cult is bringing in.
    i presume, like the mormons, the JWs are not accountable to their flock as to where the money goes?
    i'm talking monetary value — cashable assets — not the pain, sweat and tears you all went to giving to your 'church'.
    what's it worth, what are they investing in and who's getting the booty???

  • nytelecom1

    heres a tip.....bring it down from the inside and find out....all this boring crap about living large......everybody volunteer for Bethel service and find out how "large" the gb are living....sure it means being surrounded by people you hate...but isnt one year of sacrifice worth bringing down the can go public with all you learn....."THE LEADERS OF THE JEHOVAHS WITNESS SECT ENJOY MEALS OF LUXURY SUCH AS POWDERED EGGS AND GREASY SAUSAGE WHILE THE OTHER MEMBERS OF THE HEADQUARTERS ......EAT ....well nevermind"

  • logical

    Would you pay Fred Hall?

    I think im gonna auction him off on Ebay

  • Jools j
    Jools j

    what are you telling me, devil? you're not making sense. are you saying your top dogs just 'get by'? they are not exalted? they don't eat food of the god's?
    doncha know where they reside and what expensive abodes they reside in?
    are you happy you contibuted to the annointed onces's liberty and luxury c'mmon. you can do better than that!

  • crossroads

    Logical--HURRY UP--there's a bill being floated that
    will do away with the Penny.

  • nytelecom1

    funny.....when i was living across the hall from a gb....i didnt notice any "expensive abode"....where you there to??....did you notice something I didnt??...wait wait it must have been this 17 inch television.... .liberty and luxury?..and you are referring too??.

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