Brenda----I found Basophobia/Basiphobia listed as a fear of walking or falling...
by tijkmo 43 Replies latest watchtower bible
Brenda----I found Basophobia/Basiphobia listed as a fear of walking or falling...
Luposlipaphobia: The fear of being pursued by timber wolves around a kitchen table while wearing socks on a newly waxed floor.
I hate dark deep water.
I can do this.
Escalators. No kidding, once that I know of, one of the escalators at McCarren Airport in Las Vegas collapsed, as in the stairs folded turning it into a giant sliding board, and while i don't remember if anyone died, a lot of people were seriously injured in the crush at the bottom.
But I've always had an uneasiness about getting sucked in somehow, or falling and getting my hair caught.
PS We had to eat dandelion greens too. On the up side, my mom also learned that the blossoms make delicious wine! She also poisoned an elder and his wife with wild mushrooms. WAY TO GO MOM!
Mattie, I looked for one for escalators. Couldn't find a word for it. I will not ride them. they are scarey,
Taphephobia : Fear of being buried alive or of cemeteries. Not the cemeteries part.
Merinthophobia: Fear of being bound.
And I posted in on the scarey avatar Clowns are creepy.
brokaphobia- Fear of being poor!
I am claustrophobic........I won't stay in dressing rooms long, or the bathroom or a walk-in closet. I can't stand to be in between a bed and the wall.....but I can go in a tanning bed, and I have had an MRI and it does not bother me.
also I can't stand crickets, you never know which way they will jump. cricketphobia.
Chickenitus - fear of being chased by a chicken so they can peck at the back of your legs
I think I must have been stabbed to death in a former life
Yeah, um.. this is awkward...
That was me. Sorry. Won't happen again.
ok that explains it thanks for clearing that up for me
he he scary clown