I believe once old "class" passes away in nex 10 -15 years all of WTBS will be so demoralized and watered down that few faithful won't matter anymore.
KM School, Private "letters", Elders Mtgs, and your point is........?
by upside/down 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I think there is a real disconnect between the Org. and the average JW. Once it was only due to the fact that they lived in a completely different world...Bethel, but now they're also wrapped up with so much legal stuff and worries about lawsuits etc and trying to look good that it's separating them even further from the flock. I think it's filtering down to the local elders who after, all get their power from the borg, the society says this, the society says that...but the society has nothing new and really relevent for today. It's the same old do as we say and you'll get your ticket to paradise, but most people can see through that. I think a lot of elders are getting really tired of it too.
The whole point is to dangle the carrot of secret knowledge to get people to "reach out" and "do more". If you become a pioneer and go to pioneer school you get a special book and special info. Its pathetic really.
My dad used to go to the Mini Serpents meetings and be all secretive when he got back - that was until he resigned because of his unruly eldest daughter. I used to feel guilty about that, but actually I did him a favour - now he doesn;t have to go to these long boring meetings and can spend the time more productively booking his next holiday!
Everyone "knows" that PIONEERING... is the "fast track" in the bOrg...
If you pioneer and are male you WILL be moved to the front of the line, so to speak.
And you are sooo right about the dangling carrot and your "free" ticket to paradise...
How could we have been so gullible?
u/d (of the really thought he was doing the right thing and wasn't looking for power class)