I once followed this train of thought with an elder:
If the resurrected ones are going to be like the angels and not marry
the resurrected ones won't have any desire for sexual activity like the angels
why did the angels forsake their places in heaven to marry women on earth? So are the angels incapable of havin sexual desire?
w83 6/1 p. 23 Maintaining God?s View of Sex God did not create angels with a desire for sexual relations with humans. Yet Satan evidently was able to get some of them to think improperly about such matters. Thus within certain angels a desire was cultivated for something that God purposed only humans should enjoy within the proper bounds of marriage. These angelic "sons of the true God" did a wicked thing, leaving their positions in heaven to come to earth to marry women. (Genesis 6:2) Such action was motivated by a wrongly cultivated desire, not a natural desire put in them by God. Since angels can develop such unnatural sexual desires, we should not be surprised that humans can as well.
If the 144,000 inlclude people like Peter (Cephas/Simon), would they all have to be physical virgins?
We have authority to lead about a sister as a wife, even as the rest of the apostles and the Lord?s brothers and Ce´phas, do we not? 1 CORINTHIANS 9:5
And immediately they went out of the synagogue and went into the home of Simon and Andrew with James and John.
30 Now Simon?s mother-in-law was lying down sick with a fever, and they at once told him about her.
31 And going to her he raised her up, taking her by the hand; and the fever left her, and she began ministering to them. MARK 1:29-31