I need this kind of information for a debate I'm having. I think there was a thread about this before but I just can't find it. Anybody that can help me? Thanks guys!
Did you ever liked an elder? And if yes, for what reasons?
by lamb_neo 11 Replies latest jw friends
A relative of mine was an elder. He is an extremely nice person. He emphasizes Christ. I remember once when people were at a dinner table talking about careers and money he said, "if being a carpenter is good enough for Our Lord, its good enough for me." That was at a time when work for him was low and he had money problems.
It seems that the KH I go to (went to), is run by a 'family' of elders. All the elders are family. This family is very well to do, and although they are seemingly nice to everyone and always helpful, I know that they look down on people. They drive the most expensive cars, wear clothes that must cost an arm and a leg, they own beautiful houses, etc... etc... This one elder (the youngest one) -he's about 25 I'd say- is a truly down to earth guy. He is the only one who seems genuinly concerned about everyone's well being.
Among other things, that's called "Nepotism".
And isn't 25 a bit young to be appointed an elder?
To answer the thread topic question: I never cared for any Overseer or Elder. Unless you were in their family or a pioneer, didn't look to me like of anyone else got to socialize with and get to know well enough to "like".
I liked several elders. I believe that while there are many elders who enjoy the "power" of their position, there are just as many sincere ones who truly believe they can make a difference as a shepherd.
A couple of the elders that come to mind as ones that I "liked" were the ones who weren't afraid to go toe to toe with the "big dogs" who had forgotten when it felt like to be a mere "sheep" in "Jehovah's organization". They ensured ALL the elderly were being taken care of, not just the ones who were "okay" (social class system-wise). They gave children and teens a safe place to hang out, treated them with respect and tried to keep them from becoming lost or hurt at the hands of others or of themselves (thinking specifically of drugs etc...gave them a place to be with cool things to do so they wouldn't be out just escaping their parents). They treated all people with respect and actually listened to the problems/comments a person made without saying "wait on Jehovah".
Those were truly "gifts in men". I said to my fiancé just the other day that there are people in all religions who are "good" people and would be good people if you took the religion away. Those are the types that make caring elders.
And isn't 25 a bit young to be appointed an elder?
I knew two such men...from two vastly different backgrounds. They were both honest, down-to-earth people who were really focused on doing all they could to help people (not necessarily promote the publishing, but real people).
In both cases they were regular pioneers, helped to support their family (including one of them helping to raise his younger sister because his single-parent Mom had a mental illness), and both were named elders by 25/26. One went on to be trained in circuit work in his early 30s.
I'm not saying that in areas where it's tons of family that nepotism doesn't happen. But that there are cases of people being appointed at younger ages. To my knowledge, both of those men are still elders.
I like elders. They're delicious smoked with a little barbecue sauce.
My grandfather and several uncles were elders and I loved them (and liked them) very very much. But being elders seemed to place a terrible stress and strain on them. I have also liked a few other of the elders I have known (gentle, loving, compassionate, generous) but, for the most part the rest seemed very uptight, rigid, and uncomprehending.
I did like this one young elder in our sister congregation even though he was way older than me... he was soo damn hot. I was sooo devastated when he got married. He had a couple of cute brothers too but none were quite as hot.
Oh did you mean 'like' or LIKE?
I've met many elders that were likable and even lovable. Many have genuine fellow feeling for their "brethren" and strive to live christian balanced lives. It's the dictators that ruin the organization.