Evil Lives Monday, April 11, 2005

by apocalypse 31 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • SallySue

    they say Jesus name every so often but they take away his power and insert their own.


  • Honesty

    14 "No plague or miracle- not even the loss of his firstborn son- was able to persuade Pharaoh that Moses was speaking on behalf of Jehovah."

    Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses:

    Repent from your evil deeds.

  • watch_out

    Good catch, "A". These seemingly insignificant 'boo-boos' are in every single article. Because..... as stated in par. 10 - they are merely trying to "build our faith and confidence in Jehovah, his promises and his organization." If I read 'organization' in place of Jesus' name one more time I'm gonna scream! AAAAAAaaaaahhhhhhHHHHHHHHH!

    They are so slyly deceitful, cunningly deceptive... just like that one infamous 'angel of light'. Telling, isn't it?


  • mrsjones5

    Oh I know they're evil...I feel it in my bones.


  • lawrence

    Oh yes, wicked bastards and moron henchmen. I propose we take over Crooklyn, after all, who paid for it? WE DID! Catch my thread today, I'm on a new path. "Who is up for dethroning the G.B.? Let's burn them out, NOW!

  • Faraon

    Good thread, Apocalypse!

    Peaceful Pete,

    Nice work Apocalypse. yes, the not too subtle association of modern doubters of the WT with evil hard hearted Pharoah, for whom no amount of evidence would satisfy!

    I take issue with your words since my pen name means Pharaoh in English. (just kidding)

    In the Exodus myth the evil one was not the unnamed Pharaoh, but Jehovah.

    In this myth Jehovah controls the mind of Pharaoh, so he is like a puppet, unable to make decisions and therefore not responsible for his actions.

    This episode reminds me somehow about how the Watchtower controls the minds of the Jehovah's Witnesses. Seeing it from this point of view, Pharaoh represents the JWs and Jehovah truly represents the bOrganization.



  • Bryan
    14 No plague or miracle will able to persuade people that Watchtower was speaking on behalf of Jehovah.

    What control... No matter what you read, hear or see... Don't believe it! We are God's mouthpeice!

    "Miracle"... So if Christ came down and said "Watchtower is not mine", the dubs deny him?



    Have You Seen My Mother

  • Balsam

    Yes the WTS is very talented at bait and switch reasoning. They never give all the scriptures that apply, only the ones to get their point across. Nearly exactly like Orson Wells book "1984" I have wondered if they studied those techniques so they could use them. We see that bait and switch anytime someones is trying to convience another of their reasoning. Even though it is wrong.

  • myelaine


    you said: You bastards. You propagate this demonic evil and you are going to pay with your very lives. Will I rise up against you? Certainly I shall not have to. The object of your demise is already at work. For those to whom you look for help will themselves certainly remove from you your self-appointment. They will come, not in the night, but in the daylight. Just when you are sure that your position is secure, they will take from you your head.

    You have advanced, not Christ, but your own agenda. You have had your reward in full. Boast in yourself further. Make big boasts. Claim His throne itself and seat yourself on it. Your time has come. Your future is dark. Your end has arrived.

    I think you and I might get along just fine! LOL


  • itsallgoodnow
    You bastards. You propagate this demonic evil and you are going to pay with your very lives. Will I rise up against you? Certainly I shall not have to. The object of your demise is already at work. For those to whom you look for help will themselves certainly remove from you your self-appointment. They will come, not in the night, but in the daylight. Just when you are sure that your position is secure, they will take from you your head.

    You have advanced, not Christ, but your own agenda. You have had your reward in full. Boast in yourself further. Make big boasts. Claim His throne itself and seat yourself on it. Your time has come. Your future is dark. Your end has arrived.

    I don't know what you mean by this, but it's the kind of thing that could get our forum in trouble, so stop it.

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