My Mom is so upset she is skipping meetings!

by Quotes 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • ohiocowboy

    Good news indeed!!! It seems as though there is a growing trend of many JW's becoming dissatisfied, starting to question, and ultimately leaving the org., even those who have been in for many years. Hopefully this trend will continue, and it seems that it will, and more and more people will be free from the "Snare and Racket" of Watchtowerdom.

  • Quotes

    Thanks Ohio, I hope you're right!

    I just wanted to add: my early post makes it sound like I'm a bible-thumper. I'm not; I just like to use WT's bible against them.

    ~Quotes, of the "Four dead in O-HI-O" class

  • fairchild
    I too am hoping others here can confirm the "Learning Center" thing.




    I haven't heard anything about that. But my comment will bring this bttt, as I'm pretty interested in hearing more opinions.

    I'm glad that your mom is starting to ask herself some questions about the WTBTS. She might be on her way out.. some good advice has been given to you, take it easy on her for a few weeks now. I wish her good luck in her journey for real truth.

  • Country_Woman

    Your mother is obviously THINKING for herself.

  • Balsam


    Keep sharing with your mom but never more information than she is ready for. Soft pedal it. That is wonderful she is talking to you, and going against your Dad to do so. She is not going to lose her child.

    Those thoughts are making her look around. Sounds like the meetings are boring her to death. The cause such apathy anyway in those who go.


  • AlmostAtheist

    Sounds like -- as was the case for most of us -- she is chipping away at her own faith in the Watchtower from the inside. You have given her a hammer and a chisel, but she's doing the work at her own pace. Beautiful. I hope she keeps it up!

    Congratulations, Quotes. I would LOVE to know how many people have been helped by reading your web site. The number is unknowable, but certainly large. Count Gina and I in that number.

    You da man!


  • Fe2O3Girl

    It is great that your mom keeps in touch with you. If she is starting to wake up to the reality of the Watchtower, it will be a painful and confusing time for her. It sounds like your dad is a hardliner, which won't make things any easier for her.

    Apart from you, does she have any external support network?

    All the best!


  • lawrence

    Thanks for the posted discussion. It sounds like when I get a chance to talk to my ex-wife (DAed) and she relays things back and forth from her mom (40 year Witness). There is good reason for their disgust; we understand.

  • Quotes

    Thanks for the input, everyone. Yes, my dad is the hardliner. Of course, he thinks he is just doing the right thing; but it sounds like my mom is bored to tears.

    As per our telcon, she wants me to send to her: the Benson/Kingdom Melodies CD, a copy of the Cease & Desist, a copy of my lawyer's response to the C&D, and the 1932 Gravitation and Electric Energy article. I think I will add in the recent 607BCE K.I.S.S. stuff as well, what the heck.

    ~Quotes, of the "provider of raw data" class

  • IT Support
    IT Support


    You referred to the Gravitation and Electric Energy page on your web site. I had a look at it and then tried downloading the tif scan of the pages.

    Instead of download 677k, the file was only 71k and consisted of only the Awake! cover page, without any of the article pages.

    Just to let you know...

    (Edited to add) Well done with your mum, by the way.

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