What is the world coming too!
by stevenyc 15 Replies latest jw friends
The Cookie Monster is branching out to other foods. The end of society as we know it? I doubt it.
With the explosion of obesity in the last 20 years, I think everyone ought to encourage kids to think a little about what they put into their bodies.
Now if Sesame Street totally deleted the Cookie Monster, then that would be wacko.
I liked his cousin The Cookie Dough Monster better!
*** Faints ***
The world is being pc'd to death...
I know it sounds a little precious and "politically correct" to have the Cookie Monster change his ways.
But I don't think it has to do with politics. No politician or government told the Sesame Street people they HAD to rewrite the Cookie Monster's diet. And I doubt the producers of Sesame Street are forcing any kids to give up cookies.
It seems that it would be a certain "political correctness" to tell the Sesame Street writers that they had to confine the Cookie Monster only to cookies!
Sesame Street is about education and positive messages to children. If their writers decide that having the Cookie Monster learn to like fruit is a positive message, then all the more power to them!
Gopher of the "I know I'm taking this a little too seriously" class
That's just not Right!
So do we do away with Popeye's pipe smoking as well? Do we make Fred Flintstone go on a diet? And God forbid somebody goes to pick apart the Simpsons and other Politically Incorrect aspects of our wayward American Culture. Give it a Rest!!! For Real, Instead of PC crapola we should coin a new ( not really new ) phrase PR, Personal Responsibility. You bought it, you broke it, you go get it fixed!!!
I liked his cousin the Nookie Monster better
They need to leave Cookie alone!!