when you have work to do around the house? Mine is driving me crazy today and I can't get anything done. What do you do?
How do you keep your kids busy....
by love11 52 Replies latest jw friends
One word: Treadmill
If you don't have one of those, you can always tie your little one to a tree using a long rope. Tell him to run around and around and around until he finally reaches the tree... then turn around and run the other way again.
Oh, and if he needs motivation to run, just put a hat on him that has a stick with a Twinkie hanging from it.
You mean reading My Book of Bible Stories or Young People Ask doesn't keep them riveted for 8 hours straight?
Perhaps your threats of going to "the backroom" for some Kingdumb Hall justice aren't getting through!
Sister your slacking... double their dose of Ridlin and commence beatings immediatley or you'll lose them to Satan.
how old are your kids?
Depends on how old your kids are!
Mine are 3 and 1....if I have alot to do around the house I make it a game and have them work with me. I got so good at it I painted a whole room with them in and out and playing around me(no fumes) and they had no paint on them. Plus there was no marks on the walls they touched nothing! Try to make chores a game! Kids love to help out it make take longer but you can take care of them at the same time.
Brooke .....the busy Mom!
fingerpaints...what kid doesn't love to be occupied with that? anything to make a mess, give them a work area lots of newspaper that you can clean in one swoop and voila
I got so good at it I painted a whole room with them in
hehe... reminds me of when my sister and I got into some BIG containers of Vaseline! We "painted" our entire room with the stuff!
<---- Look on mom's face.
love11, I can relate. I am trying to clean up our basement today and finish converting it to a playroom. My 3-year-old is not making it easy for me, and we have friends coming over to play tomorrow, so I have to get it done.
He colored for awhile and watched a movie. Now, he is playing with his race cars. I'm taking a break to eat something.
I also gave him a few small helping tasks to do. I don't know how old your kids are, but he will put things in the trash, get the paper towels and cleaner, and he took some small things upstairs to get them out of the way. I gave him a broom to use, and he swept the carpet. I'm going to have to vacuum when I am done anyway. It keeps him entertained enough so I can at least get some of it done before his brothers get here to play with him.
Good luck. -
I gave him a broom to use, and he swept the carpet.
Reminds me of the time I asked my mom if I could help her iron cloths. She smiled and gave me some potholders to iron.
It wasn't until I was older that I realized why she gave me potholders to iron.
Oh yes Vaseline!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My kids did the same damn thing! On the walls, doors, windows and all over them. I had to laugh (I am a relaxed funny Mom who understands Kids are Kids). My Daughter(Lily) seen the Shock on my face and she said Dun Dun Dunnnnnnn! I laughed so hard. I had her help me clean it up and she said over and over "I am so sorry Mom"..."I am Just so very sorry" she turned 3 in Feb.. I smiled the whole time. It took a week to get it all off! I don't keep it in the house anymore!