Awful Friends.

by Englishman 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • aniron

    I have found that the "awful friends" I have made since I left the JW's, have shown me more concern, love and support than any JW did.

    Two of these "awful friends" have come to my aid, when times where bad, without being asked, and without wanting anything in return. Yet I have only known them for about 3 years. I was a JW for 20+ years and when I needed help they turn their back on me.

    Also these "awful friends" organised a collection for the tsunami victims, raised nearly a £1000. Would you get any JW's doing the same?

    Give me my "awful friends" above "Jehovah's loving people" anytime.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl


    I used to wonder that myself. I wondered how people could be so POPULAR. How did they do it? What did they say? What did they do? I was a social being just DYING to get out. I even read Dale Carnegie's books to try to find out what made people LIKE you. I was a lonely little JW girl, very sociable, just dying to hang out with people. I used to pray to Jehoover, every night, that he would make people like me. Little did I know that people liked me, but they couldn't relate to me because I was too scared to respond to them. I was always scared they would hurt me.

    Later, in my life, I learned that the defensive actions I was taking were not conducive to friendship, and that I was always very defensive, and people instinctively knew that. When I finally understood the dynamics of it all, it changed.

    These are the things I learned that help one to become a friend to others, and others will be attracted to:

    Find what appeals to you. Pursue it with a passion. You will meet people that feel the same way you do.

    Don't lie. Be honest about yourself and your past. People will come to trust what you say, and in turn, you can trust who they are.

    Develop an interest in the people you meet. Everyone has a story, and you can learn from that, and you should always learn what you can for your own life, and help people with theirs.

    Always remember small details about people. You may not remember their name, but you can always remember some detail about them. They appreciate it, and love it, that you remembered that. It's so unique when someone we meet remembers a small detail, but it's very endearing.

    Always be positive. Although we are here on this group, sometimes, to express our bad feelings about the WTBS, that gets old. It's sometimes nice to read a good post and people remember you for that.

    Be yourself. People can sense a fake person, and will ridicule one. Just be yourself.

    I hope these small things I have learned over the years will help you.


    I lear

  • love11

    eman- I don't know anyone who could pass their strict test. They try to control everything but your bowels.

    karly- I was am in the same predicamont. Finding friends is especially hard if you have been raised as a jw. I think the first step is knowing that everyone is not evil like they taught you, just human. I wouldn't recomment going out looking for the rough kind but if that's who you're drawn to then enjoy your friends for who they are. Like e-man said.

  • avishai
    I have some awful friends. Loud, demanding, boorish, mean, cantankerous, boozy, critical, flirtatious, foul-mouthed and generally obnoxious in every possible way

    Other than the demanding and critical part? That describes Me to a T !!!

  • MegaDude

    I agree, Mike. It's one of the hardest things to do after having it cranked into your head that people outside the Borg were bird food just waiting to happen at Armageddon.

  • JAVA
    Isn't that what Christ did?

    Oh Jesus -- well yes, I guess he was accepting of most people, "warts and all."

    Jehovah, on the other hand, seems more Witness like than Jesus. If you're not for Him, you're against Him. KILL everyone who isn't on the ark; men, women, children, and while I'm at it--drown the animals, too. I guess that's why the cigar-smoken, whiskey-drinken, 2nd Pres of the Tower changed the name from Bible Students to Jehovah's Witnesses. Jehovah was a guy Rutherford could like.

    Jesus had "people skills." He could get along with just about anybody except the religious leaders. Like Englishman, he enjoyed some "awful friends" too.

  • upside/down
    awful friends. Loud, demanding, boorish, mean, cantankerous, boozy, critical, flirtatious, foul-mouthed and generally obnoxious in every possible way.

    I don't believe we've ever actually met.... have we?

    Either that or you've been spying on me... eeeeek!

    u/d (of the loud, demanding, boorish, mean....... class)

  • cyborgVision

    It's so much easier when you accept people for who they are, you usually can't change them anyway, so why waste time trying ... if they are generally good that's the best anyone can hope for.

  • bem
    DB of the Loud, demanding, boorish, mean, cantankerous, boozy, critical, flirtatious, foul-mouthed and generally obnoxious in every possible way class.

    Well Karly if you were closer to us we could introduce you to a group like the ones mentioned above. And Dallas has a pretty cool group, I understand, that are getting together end of this month.

    Yeah, I fit few a of those personality "warts" mentioned above. And I love my friends just like they are!!

  • Crumpet

    That whole point about loving people for their weaknesses as well as strengths is definitely the key EM. I have got a whole ream of disfellowshipped friends - they did a little thing wrong so I stopped speaking to them. In fact I noted I had a habit - this was generally a year and then I would get back in touch with said bewildered friend and hook up again. I now realise this is ridiculous!

    But I've been taught how to be a friend by my friends who forgive me the most apalling things when I am drunk, like taking my clothes off, being sick, being horrible, or being overly emotional. They just laugh about it and move on and that's what i try to do now instead of being an unforgiving monster!

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