It's so sad that most JW's can't see the light of day with that UN thing... LOL LOL! IT REMINDS ME OF THE SIMPONS! COOK FOR HUMANS! COOK FORTY HUMANS! LOL LOL! Somebody, keeps hiding the TRUE evidence! :D
In My Opinion...
by OldSoul 33 Replies latest watchtower scandals
inquirer: It's so sad that most JW's can't see the light of day with that UN thing...
Good point. Perhaps we are approaching this from the wrong angle. How many world leaders who already have a distaste for JWs know that the Headquarters organization (in 1992) violated their own strict code of neutrality?
OldSoul -
The sad part is they still think we are the evil ones for even discussing it . I was in shock when I first saw the information about this , just couldn't believe what they did and now to watch them white wash it like it never happened is just plain sick with all the demonizing of people that know about it . I think God will have a heavy hand in correcting them if he thinks they are his people and it actually turns out that way . It's only up to him to decide those type of things not us .
Ah yes, but 'if' that were YOU or ME, what do you think would happen to US? (Imagination time)
" you however, the one teaching someone else not teach yourself?" Romans 2:21
Golf -
*** re chap. 29 pp. 201-202 Singing the Triumphal New Song ***
Followers of the Lamb
12 Continuing his description of the 144,000 who are ?bought from the earth,? John tells us: ?These are the ones that did not defile themselves with women; in fact, they are virgins. These are the ones that keep following the Lamb no matter where he goes. These were bought from among mankind as firstfruits to God and to the Lamb, and no falsehood was found in their mouths; they are without blemish.? (Revelation 14:4, 5) The fact that the 144,000 ?are virgins? does not mean that members of this class are necessarily unmarried in the flesh. The apostle Paul wrote to Christians who had a heavenly calling that, whereas there are advantages to Christian singleness, marriage is preferable under certain circumstances. (1 Corinthians 7:1, 2, 36, 37) What characterizes this class is a spiritual virginity. They have avoided spiritual adultery with worldly politics and with false religion. (James 4:4; Revelation 17:5) As the betrothed bride of Christ, they have kept themselves pure, ?without a blemish in among a crooked and twisted generation.??Philippians 2:15.
13 Additionally, ?no falsehood was found in their mouths.? In this, they are like their King, Jesus Christ. As a perfect human, ?he committed no sin, nor was deception found in his mouth.? (1 Peter 2:21, 22) In being simultaneously without blemish and truthful, the 144,000 are prepared as a chaste bride for Jehovah?s great High Priest. When Jesus was on earth, he invited righthearted ones to follow him. (Mark 8:34; 10:21; John 1:43) Those who responded imitated his way of life and obeyed his teachings. Thus, during their earthly course, they ?keep following the Lamb no matter where he goes? as he guides them through Satan?s world.Ran across this and thought how well it defeats the arguments of some that say "deceit is necessary." So much for their claim to be without blemish and truthful, eh?
OldSoul -
Good point oldsoul . The ones who lie and carry on a lie in revelation are not admitted to the kingdom of the heavens . They seem to forget that the evil slave doctrine applies to them not to everybody else but them . They are the ones who claim to be the FDS to begin with and nobody else . Also I think the part of not defiling themselves with women means they make themselves eunichs even tho they are married since they will no longer be able to indulge in sex when they are co ruling with christ and it seems the angels liked sex . Instead they put the kingdom interests and conversion ahead of everything in their lives . IMO that scripture rules out women as being qualified for co-rulership . Something the J-dubs will fight tooth and nail to force people to believe despite the bible . I know I had to confront them over that and they went to great extents to push that one on me including intimidation .
Ring Wielder
I wrote a letter to the society querying the UN thing and also told them about my breakdown and my faith being in tatters and they sent me the standard letter they sent to the branches! No concern about my spiritual welfare or even a wish for my recovery..just the bog standard letter! So i have their own confession on society headed notepaper.
Good point. Perhaps we are approaching this from the wrong angle. How many world leaders who already have a distaste for JWs know that the Headquarters organization (in 1992) violated their own strict code of neutrality?
Hmmm. What about a letter campagn to all of the UN delegates AND the WTBTS regarding the WTBTS and their Pre-NGO and Post-NGO stance. Complete with documentation as posted above.
Not that they would give a rat's butt. They have their own hypocritical issues to deal with right now.
Ring Weilder: No concern about my spiritual welfare or even a wish for my recovery..just the bog standard letter!
Can you tell me if this is a word-for-word quote from your letter?
We are pleased to respond to your letter of Month Day, Year, regarding the Watch Tower Society's registration for a few years with the United Nation's Department of Public Information (DPI) as a "non-governmental organization" (NGO).
I would love to PM you my entire letter and see if they match exactly. I've been wondering whether it was (totally/mostly) a form letter.
OldSoul -
This is a rather nasty idea but,,, How about writting a letter to the WT about thier envolvement with the UN and then signing it with the name and address of a elder. Then the society will write a letter to that elder explaining their position. That way the elder will at least know that it is true the WT did get envolved with the UN.
I know it is slightly dishonest but think of the impact this would have if many did this???