I just got home from a 5 day stint with Joanna, Eyegirl, and No Apologies as well as Joanna's manwhore and it was by far the best vacation I ever had and I had the most fun humanly imaginable. Joanna is the best host ever and Eyegirl is great to swap silly stories with, among other things. ;) A public THANK YOU for having me and this is NOT an invitation for anyone else to swamp them with invitation requests because they do lead busy lives and they are MINE MINE, YOU HEAR ME, MINE ALL MINE!
Joanna and Eyegirl are the greatest people ever! EVER!
by Cygnus 19 Replies latest jw friends
Glad you had a good time....we live for these times dont we?
You sure know how to make a guy envious! Glad you had a blast....
diamond, you got that right, and man did I need it.
Brummie, my post was short and sweet because words can't describe how awesome it was.
Just a note (since I can't start another thread today). I don't feel like killing myself anymore, my life is pretty damned good and my trip to Minnesota confirmed it. :) Although, running out of Paxil was kinda bad (very dizzy). Other than that, oh and the hellish golf course conditions, I have become firmly convinced that, to quote Kenny Loggins, I'm all right. :)
I'm very glad you had a good time. It was great having you here...I'll jump at any chance to boast about the wonders of Minneapolis/St. Paul.
The Apostate Bed and Breakfast will be taking reservations but you have to pass my strict screening process...which involves a rather large colander.
Free day trips to Sex World! Followed by a candle lit dinner at Joey D's Chicago Style Hot Dog Stand.
awwwwwwwwwww....................you really DO like us!! it was great having you here, and honestly, i was sad yesterday at work while i thought about you going home. only a few days and i'd grown accustomed to hanging out with you. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!! come back!
Changing my screenname to Wanderlustjealousguy.
C'mon out Wander...we'll pencil you in for the guest suite, or would you prefer the presidential suite?
(Guest would be my couch - presidential would by Eyegirls Fouton) LOL!
lol, yes, in my one bedroom apt with the funky bathroom and no bedroom door........EEEEEEEEEK!!