Im not talking about q & a from WT literature. Im talking about asking questions to the speaker during a meeting. If not do you know someone that has did he or she get punished?
Have you ever commented at the meeting
by homme perdu 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
I have seen visiting non-JWs do it who walked in or someone's Bible student.
Usually, they are told that one of the elders will answer their questions after the meeting.
I can remember one man (a visiting non-JW relative) would say "Amen, brother" after every rhetorical question the speaker made. It was hilarious.
There was a time (in the far distant past) where it was acceptable to ask questions during the bookstudy. This was before the society set particular limits for how many paragraphs had to be covered each week. The conductor could afford to go off on little tangents to actually help the flock where they needed it. Now I never hear a regular publisher ask a question - even after the meeting.
I remember during a Book Study....a Woman was married to a Dub and they had one daughter. Asked Questions!
He became a dub long after they were married and took his daughter to the meetings with her approval. She was nice and very funny. She came sometimes but I do remember during one Book Study she asked alot of questions. Which were all good questions(the ones I heard because I was to busy keeping eye contact with a cute boy)
Anyway, fast forward to now years went by nothing became of her joining the Dubhood, She still allowed her daughter to go. She was friends with a few Sisters (who were unmarried wanna be Lesbians not against lesbians I think you should just come out and be true to yourself) and she told then that her Husband was going on a hunting trip(small conversation)and she was going to miss him...That Sister ran to the Elders and told them this. They then counseled him and telling him he shouldn't go because he was neglecting his wife and family. Well not long after he never came back nor their daughter and the wife ended her friendships.
Fast forward again I saw him not too long at a Bar having fun with his brother(owner of the bar) playing pool smoking a cigar!
Brooke....ask questions get answers truth shall set you free!
I can remember one man (a visiting non-JW relative) would say "Amen, brother" after every rhetorical question the speaker made. It was hilarious.
I remember that happening at my hall too.
There was also this one old lady who would make off the wall comments. The conductor would normally cut her short and then call on another elder to give the
scriptedcorrect answer. -
No, because I didn't want to be in front of 2 brothers asking me if I still believed the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses is the Faithful Discrete Slave.
The night my pioneer partner was DFed for apostasy as the P.O. read the J.C. notice at the end of the Service Meeting I stood up and called the whole thing a sham and a perversion of justice (what was I then). I was taken in the library after the meeting and told that I would no longer be commenting at meetings until ...
I was so brainwashed that I never thought to question anything until I was leaving, by then I just didn't care what the answer was. hg
Going back a few years when I was sitll an MS, ... I remember a sub, CO visiting.
Well, ... the gossip was that the society had some CO's that acted as a hit man. Going in for a big clean up, so to speak. I was
so glad that I was not in all the elders meetings going on at that time, however as an MS, was able to pick up tid bits of what the
meetings are all about. He came in demanding many changes within the elder body. No changes were ever made though.
After the service meeting he had a very stirring talk, and opened up a Q & A to the cong.....I was the first hand up and asked ...
Is it true that the society, has CO's ... HIT men to clean up prob's with cong's?????
And the answer was..... NO, however, ... there are brothers with special programs to help and assist elder bodies.
So the answer was......I guess ... well ... what do you think?