Would you have quit the JW's for a Worldly Person you loved?

by JH 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dan-O

    Maybe it's kinda like having your dog get hit by a car, knowing that you can go to the animal shelter & bring home another black lab that looks just like it. You suppose that Mrs. O will whap me upside the head in the morning if I leave a rawhide chew toy on her desk?

  • Frog

    I suspect she might, but you don' t know unless you try, and that could be fun;-) This is reall cruel, but I remember the front couple of rows at the "kingdumbhall" was always a little like the puppy pound, with all the hopeful rejected spinsters sitting closer to the front begging for a partner...

  • Dan-O

    I wonder if that's why my dad always sat in the second row? Hmmmm ... but he did reject the friendly advances he got from some of the widows & spinsters.

  • freedom96

    I never considered myself a devout witness, so I would have left if I found the love of my life. I would have been open to reasons why the WTS is not God's organization.

  • LongHairGal

    Yes, in the later years I would have.

    This really bothered me that there were next to no eligible brothers around. The only ones around that were available usually had something a little wrong in the head, sorry to say. But yet the org would expect that you would stay single forever. I wonder though if they would have the same feelings if the demographics were reversed. In other words, instead of a ratio of more women to men, there was a ratio of more men to women - and there weren't many women around to choose from.

    I wonder then if they would make excuses for the "poor brothers" and let them marry outside.


  • funkyderek

    No but I nearly stayed in because of a JW girl. So so glad she said no!

  • inquirer


    I really don't think it's a case of leaving the org for love, it's really just a tangible way of expressing that you want something more out of life. Clearly if you were open to the idea of 'unevenly yoking yourself with an unbeliever' that your thoughts must have somewhere along the way digressed from strict jw law, which allowed you to open up your mind and emotions to the idea. Falling for an 'unbeliever' when you're on the inside can be the most amazing experience if you've grown up in the faith, it might be the first time that someone truly sees you as an individual, and unique, a person through whom you can have an outlet to the outside "world". I believe that when you fall in love in this way, it is more so that you're making sure that when you step outside of jw bounds that you will have someone to nuture your needs, someone to love you when your family and friends reject you.



    But I don't have a conscience about it at all! Not when I was a JW, and not now!

  • asilentone

    YES!!!!! I regretted it very much that I did not quit as JW when two attractive females from work expressed interest in me long time ago, I had to turn them down because I was being a good dub at that time, but I found one of them on facebook, we are now keeping in touch, but she is now married.

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