This is all very confusing! Even though I am not an annointed DUB I refuse to believe my salvation is through the organization and that Jesus is not my PERSONAL mediator between myself and God.The liars will DF you if they hear you.
Jesus as the mediator for the 144,000 only
by marsal 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
And it's astonishing how any dub could ever believe such twisted nonsense about the Christ being beyond them. This Rutherfordian wayward doctrine positively puts them in the realm of the cults and hollows out their claim to be christians. But then it's handy for the WTS because they then depend on her for spiritual understanding since they do not have the annointing spirit. The other sheep refer to the gentiles due to enter the church beginning from just a few years later (after this was said)and not the followers of a strange religion/sect nearly 2000 years later under a very dubious leader.
Little Bo Peep
I too, was shocked to hear this. One nite, about three years ago, after coming home from Thursday nite meeting, my husband ask if I knew the WT taught Jesus wasn't really my mediator? I told him I thought that was just "apostate" lies. He said he was reading it right from a Watchtower (on the net). I spent the next couple hours researching and couldn't believe what I found. Here are a couple more places that confirm the belief that Jesus is our mediator only through the 144,000. WT 3/1/1992, page 31, Questions from the Readers; WT 12/15/1989, page 30, Do You Remember; and the Aid to Bible Understanding, page 1130. As a side note, when I looked these up tonight, I noticed the WT 5/15/86 (which had some to say about the mediator), page 12-15, para 17, talked about the new "things revealed", that in 1923 Jesus' prophecy about the sheep and goats was properly understood, that the world was under judgement...this changed about 1995. I wonder how many really know that this TOO has changed! What is left??? Most JW's don't realize the WT teaches this! Also, the WT separates the position of mediator and the position of high priest, so we all have Jesus as our high priest, but only a few have him for mediator. Hopefully, more will see this question and have the desire to look further.
This one really griped my ass, too.
I used it as a parting shot when the other Elders came around to attempt to "readjust" me, after I DA'ed.
They just dumbly said, "well the Wt says it, and I'm happy with their argument"!Fairmind:The more you look, the more you come to realise that there really is little to redeem the WTS.
Like you, I tried to keep a "fair mind" on the the subject, believing them to be just a little misguided on a few things.
I finally came to the conclusion that they were horribly wrong, covertly deceptive (e.g.Trinity Brochure quotes) and that even where their doctrines appear to be fairly correct they are still subtly twisted away from Christ and hence miss the entire point of the New Testament.For a Christian, this has to be one of the most obscene doctrines, though. It removes the direct "relationship" aspect from about 6m people who think they are Christians.
That yould be your "opinion".
Nope, I insist! -
I remember when I was with the JWs some of them expressed resentment in that the Holy Spirit would only go to a few elite and avoid them. "it only goes to them and never comes to us" Let's remember Rutherford according to his own admission received knowledge from angels(spirit channeling), God's angels he claimed, but no doubt they were satanic angels and this is one more teaching he received from them, a demonic teaching. BTW a good critique on this nonsense can be found at
Mr Fool
Why are the anointed (or lubricated or whatever) JW still following the masculine Watchtower instead of their mediator Jesus? As anointed, with Jesus inside the heart, there is no more need to follow a earthly organization, What has the Wt to say about this?