What the hell is wrong with people?

by Nosferatu 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    Have any of you had experiences like this?

    Last weekend, I was at a friend's social. I was outside smoking and conversing with two other ladies. Some old guy walks out of the social, looks at us, and says "Stupid people!" WTF???

    About a year ago, I was outside Canadian tire waiting for my wife to pick me up, and some middle-aged lady goes to walk into the place. She looks at me and says "You look like an asshole." WTF???

    I'll tell you, I'm almost ready to go up to these people and give them a piece of my mind!

  • blondie

    What do you look like?

  • upside/down

    The proper response in both sitch's, without hesitation in a bold in your face tone is ----- [edit] (you can add [edit] for emphasis or to flower it up).

    then SMILE!

    u/d (of the don't take that sh*t no more class)

  • xjwms

    Did you blow smoke in their face or something????

    Never happened to me.

  • iiz2cool

    Sometimes people who are old or middle aged forget what it's like to get an asskicking for having a big mouth. I'm not suggesting that you do it though.


  • whyamihere

    Give it to them Back!

    I do it all the time...One time I was driving I cut this lady off (she was going 10 under and I was late and I wanted to go the speed limit)! Anyway big deal so I get out of my car walking through a parking lot as She rolls down her window to yell at me...I didn't even let she start talking ...I said "I am sorry but I don't really care in what you have to say to me"! (saying it very sarcastic)

    Give it back and smile!


  • blondie

    Kill them with kindness...Just smile and wave.


  • doogie

    yesterday i was waiting at a stoplight and this homeless guy walked up to my window. i said i was sorry but i didn't have any change (i really didn't...i wasn't just blowin him off like usual) and he said as i was starting to driving away, "OH!! Thank you sir! that's very kind of you!! oh by the way, i like your sunglasses. how much did those set you back, you asshole!"

    what the heck? yeah i get it, you're poor and hungry and extremely dirty. that'd make me crabby too. but if you're begging for change you're not allowed to be an ass. its a rule.

  • AlmostAtheist
    "You look like an asshole."

    "You think so? 'Cause I don't know. I was going for 'asshole', but I thought it came off more like 'ass wipe'. Thanks for the validation, though!"

  • love11

    nos- lol I thought I was the only one that had this happen to them! I remember it seemed like everywhere I went people would find something to make a comment about. One time I was wearing a fake fur coat and this lady at Meijers told me that if she had that coat she would throw it down for her dogs to sleep on! People are crazy. If you have kids, it gets worse. Everyone will tell you what you are doing wrong with your child. Excuse me- but I am not going to hit a 2 year old because of a temper tantrum!! ...people...

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