Six Billion Hearts Will Soon Stop Beating. . .

by ACEofCAD 79 Replies latest jw friends

  • Crumpet

    Nice idea greendawn. By the way I love your avatar - is it a Waterhouse?

  • itsallgoodnow
    This is why when I hear people say, "Oh, but the rank and file witnesses are such good people" I want to barf.

    Me too, Jeannie!

    The quote from the CO and the audience's response gave me goose bumps and nausea. Too sick for words

    Yeah, the rank and file, if they are true believers like this, are basically sociopaths, IMO. I never felt that way. When they would bring up armageddon, I was sure I would be doomed to the same fate as the world. Jehovah seemed like such a harsh god to me, and I knew I wasn't doing everything right. Even when I was a kid, I thought god would choose to destroy me, too. I never "looked forward" to armageddon, and I was greatly relieved when they changed the generation thing. I was such a fool, but I wasn't a raging headcase like these self-righteous psychopaths that delusionally look forward to the deaths of billions of people. What a bunch of losers.

  • greendawn

    Crumpet thanks for liking my avatar but I can't recall now where I got it, whenever I find a nice photo/painting I save it. If you wish I can send you this photo, it's clear even when it fills half of the monitor screen.

  • Goldminer

    Typical JW mentality!

  • inquirer


    Nice idea greendawn. By the way I love your avatar - is it a Waterhouse?


    I love your avatar! :D

  • Crumpet

    oh yes please - [email protected] and put hello crumpet in the subject so it doesnt get junk filtered! Thanks!

  • Crumpet

    hey inquirer - get your own avatar! LOL

  • GetBusyLiving

    What a crazy f**k thing to say. That's just to shocking to even comprehend. I think they're gonna have to use more scare stuff like this to keep the dubs motivated.


  • Jez

    When I was a dub, even comments like this would have made me think of my non-JW family and I would have been mortified. There must be ones there that feel the same. What about ppl that are studying? or on the verge of leaving or questioning. Comments like can keep on coming as far as I am shows their true colors to people that are awake to notice it. Can you imagine Jesus using tactics like that to win ppl over or motivate them? His first and foremost tactic was that of love. Everything he did and said when he was preaching to people or talking to his disciples was coated with love. Even when talking to his enemies, I can't see him ever using such a harsh example. The borg has really lost the plot on this one.


  • Daunt

    I've always had more non-JW friends than JW friends. And when I say more I meant one. And I always use to have nightmares about him dieing. And I've never had a good relationship with my family since every other word out of their mouths were how much the world (My only friend) would die at armeggedon. Just sickened me. That's what always turned me off frmo the truth. Even when I couldn't argue against their doctrine and ideology I just knew I couldnt believe in the religion. It is really sick.

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