What a great world, we are throwing good food away because we are too lazy or dumb and don't value it while millions elsewhere starve to death.
Disgusting wasteful behaviour
by Simon 39 Replies latest social current
Disgusting indeed, it happens here too
This is a good idea - maybe the next generation will be a bit more sensible:
I wonder, however, if we may always have been wasteful. I imagine a lot of food was wasted before refrigerators and freezers. I mean, why else would scavengers and carrion-eaters haunt the outskirts of human villages?
It is hard to cook for a household of two. I love my freezer!
Have you every analyzed what you Brits eat? It's not like the world at large is flocking to that "Great English Cooking" - other than Eman's BBQ that is.
Of course the point is sad. I recall my son getting teary eyed seeing the "hungry brown children" on TV. And when you contemplate that families are starving it's mind boggling that in the US we pay farms to grow less at times depending on the market and crop.
There is always going to be a certain amount of waste but despite all the methods of preserving and delivering food, we seem to be getting more wasteful.
Anyone who has ever worked at a "fast-food" joint in America can attest to the shameful waste of food here! But worse is the fact that Americans eat soooooo much! Health-wise they would be better off to trash those fries than eat them. Obesity is fast becoming the number one health issue in this country. When I was in France I saw NO FAT LOCALS. If the person was fat, they were Americans.
Why is it when I go to a ballgame the thin people are watching the game and the fat ones are stuffing their faces and guzzling one beer after another? The conspiracy theory people claim the food processors are adding chemicals to fast food that makes them addictive and people crave these foods unnaturally, order more than they need, get their "fix" and then throw the rest away!
Mav - have you seen the movie "Super Size Me"?
My son brought it home from health class at school. Since then we have literally not gone to a fast-food joint other than Subway twice and KFC once, in months.
EVERYONE should watch that movie. Funny too.
Anyone who has ever worked at a "fast-food" joint in America can attest to the shameful waste of food here!
I second that, although my daughter worked at Outback Steakhouse and she said they put alot of emphasis on NOT wasting food. It was very expensive.
If someone ordered something and did not pick it up, or the order was not right, it went to the trash so the employees would not fight over it, or that food was prepared deliberately so someone could have it.
Some of the produce from supermarkets that gets thrown away goes to the zoo......thats good!
I have seen huge mounds of rice sitting to rot as the government would pay rice farmers here more to not sell it than to sell it............just to keep the market trade up.
Greed and stupidity.......while so many go hungry.
I just heard the UN had to halve the rations distributed in Darfur because of lack of money (wonders if the US still hasn't paid it's bill to the UN). Anyway, I signed up for the "One" campaign but I think it's targeted mainly at America, here's the link: