How many Bible studies does it take before brainwashing sets in?

by hubert 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • hubert

    I would like to know how the study starts...... what kind of information is given to the potential new convert when he / she starts studying with j.w.'s., lesson to lesson.

    What is taught in the first few "lessons".

    When the brainwashing starts to be taught.

    How many lessons it takes to convince the student that the W.T. is the truth, and to not listen to any advice from outside the j.w. information. Is it 3 lessons? 4 lessons? etc. (average)

    My reason for this last question is because many new studies start off "secretely", with the new student, because once family knows the relative or friend is studying with the j.w.'s, they are already convinced that the W.T. is the "truth", and will ignore all other worldly advice.

    Thanks for your help.


  • Sirona

    You need to get a copy of the book they use for studying with newbies....I don't recall the name of it. "Knowledge" book or somesuch.

    Then you need to look up the techniques of high control religions and see how the book compares. One point is that it has been suggested that a new "bible student" reads the material on average five times before moving on to the next point. Such meaningless repetition is supposed to affect the subconscious mind and prevent critical thinking, again, look that up. (The student reads the section before the study, then they read again to underline answers. Then at the study, they read it again before being asked questions. Once asked the question they scan the material once more to find the answer, then they read out the answer.= 5 times)


  • gaiagirl

    I think the answers to those questions would vary considerably from case to case, depending in part on the "neediness" of the student, their educational level, the skill of the study conductor, and probably other factors. As I recall, studies tend to start out in broad, general terms, "God has a wonderful promise for humankind", as well as a warning that Satan will fight to keep them from learning about this promise, all very well supported by scriptures cited. So, if a person is prone to accept the Bible as authoritative, it won't take too long for them to be convinced that they have been, prior to their study, misled or uninformed about the message of the Bible. So when someone says something unflattering about the WTBTS, the student immediately sees this as confirmation of prophecy, and "proves" in their own mind that what they are learning is the "Truth".

  • jgnat

    They start on the second page of the "Required" brochure. So, technically, it starts by the second study. On the second page it warns the student that family and friends may oppose their study. Very early on the student is told that this opposition is from Satan, because Satan does not want them to have the "Truth".

  • HoChiMin

    I remember during the early/first study sessions emphasis was placed on opposition that I would face because "you are learning the truth". This coupled with stressing their version of bible prophecy made it seem to fall into place and, I thought, they could be correct. The rest is history I wish the Internet existed then. Knowledge and the ability to use it is the most powerful tool it resisting a cults subtle persuations.


  • Mary
    I would like to know how the study starts...... what kind of information is given to the potential new convert when he / she starts studying with j.w.'s., lesson to lesson.

    It depends on what book or magazine they're studying, but the study would basically start off by listing how shitty and evil the world is, but not to fear: a "new System of Things" is right around the corner. They'll read Psalms 37:9 & 10 to their victim, along with a couple of scriptures in Genesis showing how "God's original purpose was to have us live in a Paradise earth*, yada, yada, yada......." As this is so totally different than what other religions teach, the person's interest perks up.

    What is taught in the first few "lessons".

    In addition to what I mentioned above, they'll briefly mention Jesus and then immediately turn the subject to Satan the Devil and how he "walks around like a roaring lion" waiting to devour your sorry ass the minute you step foot into a Kingdumb Hell. They'll read the scripture in Isaiah where it says "You are my witnesses" says Jehovah and completely ignore the fact that He was talking to Isreal. Instead, they'll tell you that this is a prophetic scripture for Jehovah's Witnesses today and how there is only "one true religion" based on that scripture in Matthew that talks about the cramped road leading off to life and "few" are the ones finding it. Then the whole 607 BCE - 1914 doctrine will be taught. This is probably the dividing point between those who readily believe such nonsense, and those who suddenly wake up and think "...I gotta get outta here, these people are nuts."

    After that comes the warning that your family will fucking freak when they find out you're studying with the JWs. This is to be expected and you can place the blame for their reaction squarely on Satan de Debbil who has obviously "blinded their minds" as he gets really pissed off whenever someone begins studying with the Dubs. They'll warn you that your family and friends will try and convince you that the Witnesses are a cult, but this is just Satan trying ta get at them and you by this persecution, just like he did with Jesus. Seeing as this is exactly what happens most of the time, the victim studying more than likely takes this as a sign that the Witnesses are indeed right and everyone else is wrong. If you accept that, then you WILL be assimilated into the Borg.

    How many lessons it takes to convince the student that the W.T. is the truth, and to not listen to any advice from outside the j.w. information. Is it 3 lessons? 4 lessons? etc. (average)

    Depending on the victim. If they're particularly gulible, they'll be brainwashed by the end of the first study. With others, it could take up to 8 or 10 studies before they're assimilated. If you've had a lousy life and are looking for a quick and easy answer to life's problems---then this religion could be for you.

    *No guarantees or warranty is provided by the WTB&TS.

  • lonelysheep
    What is taught in the first few "lessons".

    I studied the "what does god require of us" brochure, where it all seemed gravy from the first study. Can't remember exactly what the lessons were, but I think it was just about god, adam & eve, and of course satan.

    When the brainwashing starts to be taught.

    All the previous posts summed this answer up to a tee. The knowledge book emphasized the brainwashing along with using the bible when it was convienent. Sneaky suckers. Studying from the insight books forced me to think, though, and wake up out of my fog.

    How many lessons it takes to convince the student that the W.T. is the truth, and to not listen to any advice from outside the j.w. information. Is it 3 lessons? 4 lessons? etc. (average)

    I was a 'meek good student' from the beginning. One lesson! They had me at "Jesus".
    607-1914 was NEVER doubted until I wanted to get baptized.

  • JH

    My brainwashing has re-started.... An elder comes once a week to study a book with me. I've been inactive since over 10 years, and I went to the memorial, and a few other meetings, and now once a week, and elder comes over for a study. They come out with so many bible verses, and it doesn't take long to get re-programmed.


  • Mary

    JH, it's too late-----the re-assimilation has begun for you so you may as well just accept your lot in life..........ah look at it this way: they might let you handle the mikes during the WT study if you behave yourself for the next 3 years.

  • inquirer

    A lot of people probably get brainwashed straight away! Yep! Straight away!

    How? Because they plant the idea of the death and destruction in their mind and Satan is the ruler of the world, Paradise soon yada yada yada. It strikes an impulse reaction! Oh boy! Better do something! Don't forget, this is an unusual religion. It's pretty hard to forget about JW's! When you hear about stuff like this (after the first Bible study) the first time, it's like the elder is trying to help the student stick his favorite poster on the wall... After he leaves the poster falls off the world.

    The next week when the Demon elder comes around, the student says "What's the best way to keep this poster on the wall?" Then the "glue", the next Bible Study is done and when it's finished the brainwashing sets in and the student things this is a pretty good religion. The "poster" has been permantely been stuck to the wall! The picture looks nice now!

    Now the person is well and truly brainwashed!

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