The new circuit assembly program for 2002 service year is: <drum roll>
"Fear God and Give Him Glory."
"Happy is everyone fearing Jehovah."--Ps. 18:1.
First day concludes with DO talk, "Draw Ever Closer to Those You Love." He will "explain how we can stay alert to the devilish effort to turn us away from Jehovah, our family, and our Christian brothers."
"Fear Jehovah, Not Men," is the theme of a four-part symposium on the second day. Overcome fear that hinders from fully accomplishing your ministry or maintaining your integrity and good conscience.
Public talk: "Fear God and Keep His Commandments" based on Revelation chapter 14.
Concludes with positive direction to "Keep on Walking in the Fear of Jehovah."
Admit it, chillun, do not those thrilling words incite you to attend?