New! Hello! Question???

by MadApostate 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • willy_think


    nytelecom1 is not all there. don't pay him any mind. most of the people here are ok but like you, we are mad.

    the ideas and opinions expressed in this post do not necessiarly represent those of the WTB&TS inc. or any of it's subsidiary corporations.
  • waiting

    Hey Mad,

    I have to agree with Dedalus - a good many have read your post, but don't have the information you're looking for.

    I walked away last year, thus not up on the themes. However, I was never up on those kind of things anyway. I just went when my mother-in-law reminded me for the 50th time. Slept alot more back then.

    Good to meet you - and please come back.

    All sorts of persons here - and few are like nytelecom. But there are a few.


  • nytelecom1
    All sorts of persons here - and few are like nytelecom. But there are a few.

    exactly what "sort" of person am I??...You are not dismissing me becuase of not thinking "entirely" as you do or always "support" your opinions are you..............hmmm...sounds familiar

  • Prisca

    Hi MadApostate!

    I don't know wha the name of the CA is either, but I just wanted to say hi and welcome you to here.

    Spend some time reading the different threads (and forums - Main is not the only one on this DB!) and you'll see a good variety of people here.

  • Moxy

    it is a little early for CA themes and not many here keep up with their KM reading so dont get offended. i dont think its been announced yet but there might be some that know anyways.

    CA's & SAD's do not fall in any particular time or order. they are usually scheduled anywhere between oct and may and not too close to each other.


  • larc


    You ask a question about things you don't know because you are no longer in, and you ask it of people who are no longer in and don't know either. DAH. Now, you are hurt because no one posted because they didn't know. What do you want? Three hundred people to write, "I don't know"? Get a grip.

  • Billygoat

    Hey Mad!

    Welcome to the board! I'm looking forward to hearing your story as to why you left. You'll meet many others here that have some pretty interesting experiences. Some that sound similar to yours and others that are not. But we all learn from each others experiences and try to find comfort and solace in knowing we have found something better. Please understand that your comment...

    "Geezzz, I can sure see everyone here were once JWs. Its exactly like I recall going to te Kingdom Hall. One person talks to me, and I'm ignored by everyone else. Surely with all the people here, someone must know what the theme is to the upcoming Fall assembly???" a little on the judgemental side and probably NOT going to get you much help. As you can see, this is an ExJW website. Almost all of us are in the same boat as you...we've been emotionally hurt from the WTS and don't have much update detailed info on the organization. But making a comment like this isn't going to facilitate any healing on your part or encourage others to want to help you. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and keep thinking you're a pretty decent person and just a little on the pissed side right now.

    Just something to keep in mind with your future postings: You get a lot further with honey than with vinegar. Although I know it's contrary to the example we've received in the WTS, kindness is never a bad thing.

    Keep coming back!


  • waiting

    Hey nytelecom,

    exactly what "sort" of person am I??...You are not dismissing me becuase of not thinking "entirely" as you do or always "support" your opinions are you..............hmmm...sounds familiar - nytelcom

    I become *cautious* of posters when they start.....hummm......using dots instead of commas, periods, etc. It seems a good deal of ....... posters present themselves as mental health professionals when they appear.......that......way. And they don't finish their damned thoughts or sentences.

    Btw, I wasn't dismissing you. I don't know you well enough to dismiss. You usually come across as somewhat rude and sarcastic - at least from the posts I've read of yours. Read a really good sarcastic one, however, great pun.

    All sorts of persons here - and few are like nytelecom. But there are a few. - waiting

    Yeah, there's a couple more posters who come across pronunciation or sentence structure. There are also some who are rude and sarcastic - myself on occasion.

    But I usually don't start out that way with a new poster. Not a good Welcome Wagon imho.


  • Maximus

    The new circuit assembly program for 2002 service year is: <drum roll>

    "Fear God and Give Him Glory."
    "Happy is everyone fearing Jehovah."--Ps. 18:1.

    First day concludes with DO talk, "Draw Ever Closer to Those You Love." He will "explain how we can stay alert to the devilish effort to turn us away from Jehovah, our family, and our Christian brothers."

    "Fear Jehovah, Not Men," is the theme of a four-part symposium on the second day. Overcome fear that hinders from fully accomplishing your ministry or maintaining your integrity and good conscience.

    Public talk: "Fear God and Keep His Commandments" based on Revelation chapter 14.

    Concludes with positive direction to "Keep on Walking in the Fear of Jehovah."

    Admit it, chillun, do not those thrilling words incite you to attend?


  • waiting

    Hey Max,

    The "Fear" theme is really coming across strong. Every talk is about having the fear of Jehovah. Of course, I'm sure they'll qualify that as having a loving, proper, godly, fear.

    I always had a hard time getting around the idea of having a loving fear. The WTBTS would always equate it with the idea of having "respect" - such as fear/respect for crossing the street and not getting hit. Fear/respect the traffic - or something that could kill you if you weren't careful.

    Or the fear of offending Jehovah - or something that could kill you if you wren't careful. I think the WTBTS doesn't want seem to go back to the old idea of fearing the power/vengence of God - but they want to keep that same idea before their people.

    Perhaps the WTBTS is using the popular "Left Behind" series (God's literally killing just about everybody on Earth) as their stepstone for the increase in "Godly fear."


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