Thought from tonight's meeting

by jula71 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ljwtiamb
    didn't moses lie to the egyptians about sarah. he said it was his sister instead of his wife to protect her. i think the WTS uses this example to justify lieing to protect themselves and promote "theocratic warefare".

    Genesis Chapter 12

    10 Now a famine arose in the land and A´bram made his way down toward Egypt to reside there as an alien, because the famine was severe in the land. 11 And it came about that as soon as he got near to entering Egypt, then he said to Sar´ai his wife: ?Please, now! I well know you are a woman beautiful in appearance. 12 So it is bound to happen that the Egyptians will see you and will say, ?This is his wife.? And they will certainly kill me, but you they will preserve alive. 13 Please say you are my sister, in order that it may go well with me on your account, and my soul will be certain to live due to you.?

    14 So it happened that, as soon as A´bram entered Egypt, the Egyptians got to see the woman, that she was very beautiful. 15 And the princes of Phar´aoh also got to see her and they began praising her to Phar´aoh, so that the woman was taken to the house of Phar´aoh. 16 And he treated A´bram well on her account, and he came to have sheep and cattle and asses and menservants and maidservants and she-asses and camels. 17 Then Jehovah touched Phar´aoh and his household with great plagues because of Sar´ai, A´bram?s wife. 18 With that Phar´aoh called A´bram and said: ?What is this you have done to me? Why did you not tell me that she was your wife? 19 Why did you say, ?She is my sister,? so that I was about to take her as my wife? And now here is your wife. Take her and go!? 20 And Phar´aoh issued commands to men concerning him, and they went escorting him and his wife and all that he had.
  • Gopher
    Likewise today we may be forced to be deceptive, dishonest or even lie when engaged in spiritual warfare to protect God's name and his organization.

    Let's see...

    Did David lie to protect an organization? It seems he lied to protect himself! So when JW elders lie to protect their reputation (as I had experienced with them too often), they're copying David.

    Did Rahab lie to protect an organization. Any JW's who use a harlot's example to excuse lying, well doesn't that speak for itself? (They claim all other religions are the "harlot"!!)

    It is apparent that the Watchtower Society will bend scripture to support any action, including lying and slander, that suits their corporate interests.

  • adelmaal

    That's disgusting. I'm sure that elder cannot point to a single instance where Jesus behaved deceptively to further God's purpose.

    What this makes me think of is the Jehovah's Witnesses And Child Custody booklet that instructs children to lie or be deceitful with their testimony on the stand to mislead the judge.

    It boggles my mind to think that some people are foolish enough to think that just because somebody who was a follower of God did something in the Bible that makes it acceptable behaviour. Those people were imperfect just as are we. Why should the fact that they did something wrong be justified or twisted to make it seem right?

  • BrendaCloutier
    Likewise today we may be forced to be deceptive, dishonest or even lie when engaged in spiritual warfare to protect God's name and his organization.

    Yeah, I remember this "theocratic warfare" crap from when I was in, many years ago. I didn't realize just how sickening and hypocritcal it is.

  • EvilForce

    I'm going to go throw up now

  • The Leological One
    The Leological One


    It boggles my mind to think that some people are foolish enough to think that just because somebody who was a follower of God did something in the Bible that makes it acceptable behaviour. Those people were imperfect just as are we. Why should the fact that they did something wrong be justified or twisted to make it seem right?


  • Krystal

    That isn't the first time I heard that kind of talk...

    (ie. if the police came to your door looking for an eldrer...etc.)

    Apparently it is ok to lie or do something against the law if you are obeying "gods laws"

    Look at the kidnapping kids out of hospitals if they loose a court order for a blood transfusion... if pushed enough they will do alot of things they normally would condemn people for.

  • Honesty
    What this makes me think of is the Jehovah's Witnesses And Child Custody booklet that instructs children to lie or be deceitful with their testimony on the stand to mislead the judge.

    I made sure my attorney had a copy of this BS before I even filed for a divorce from my dub wife who has used the WTS theocratic warfare strategy all of her life when crap hits the fan and she needs to protect her backside.

  • GentlyFeral

    This is old, old news: not only the concept but this very same illustration. I was a jaydub for over 20 years and I know I heard it at least half a dozen times from the platform.

    I remember other examples, too: faithful brothers and sisters in Nazi Germany who gave ambiguous answers when interrogated about hidden literature or the names of brothers (one brother gave names - but only of brothers who he knew were dead). I thought that both heroic and subversive, and you always wanna subvert the Evil Empire, dontcha know.

    But although I approved of "theocratic warfare," I always interpreted it very narrowly - permissible only to save a brother's or sister's life.

    Yet I was an obeeeeedient little dubbie - I can't really say what I'd have done if I'd known that a friend of mine was a pedophile or covering for one.

    gently f eral

  • Schizm
    Just a thought from tonight's bible reading that kinda hit in a funny way. In all my years I've never heard this scripture used like this. Here it is:

    *** Rbi8 1 Samuel 21:12-13 *** 12 And David began to take these words to his heart, and he became very much afraid on account of A'chish the king of Gath. 13 So he disguised his sanity under their eyes and began acting insane in their hand and kept making cross marks on the doors of the gate and let his saliva run down upon his beard.

    What the speaker, an Elder, said is that David used deception and seemingly dishonesty to protect himself knowing what God's purpose was for him. Likewise today we may be forced to be deceptive, dishonest or even lie when engaged in spiritual warfare to protect God's name and his organization....Jula71.

    Thank you, Jula, for reporting here what you'd heard at the meeting. As has been mentioned by others in this thread, there are several examples that can be cited in the Bible wherein this sort of strategy was resorted to in order to "protect" peoples interests or welfare.

    I'm absolutely positive that every single person who posts here would use the same sort of strategy if ever they were to be faced with certain circumstances. For example: What if some stranger suddenly barged into your home one evening, and with a deadly weapon in hand demanded to know where your wife is? Would you tell this potential rapist exactly what he wanted to know? Like: "Well, she's in the utility room putting clothes on to wash." Or, would you give him misleading information? Like: "I have no wife." Or maybe: "She's not here at the moment."

    Since each and every one of you here would elect to give false information regarding the whereabouts of your wife, do you consider that to be a condemnable type of lie? Of course you don't!


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