What movies have you seen that make you want to be a better person?

by confusedjw 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • candidlynuts

    lorenzo's oil..

    made me realize the fate of children is in the parents hands and to always ALWAYS question doctors and research when you have a sick child.

    divine secrets of the yaya sisterhood..

    mainly just because it shows adults never assume you know everything about your parents. and dang i wish i had a group of friends like that!

  • avishai

    Most recent? Sin city. As an actor/film guy/costumer etc. it was soooo inspiring.

  • OldSoul

    Recognize Jehovah's Authority!

    No, really. It made we want to leave even more.

  • swiftbreeze

    woman art thou loosed

    i have many others but i can't think my crazy husband is playing the music really loud right now and i can't think....

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