A florists went to a barbershop for a haircut and went to pay the barber when he was done. The barber said he couldn't accept anything for the haircut since he had to do community service. The florist thanked him and left. The next morning waiting on the doorstep of the barbershop when the barber came in was a dozen roses and a thank you card. The barber thought that was very nice. Later that afternoon a cop came in for a haircut When he was finished he went to pay the barber but again the barber said he couldn't accept payment since he was doing community service. The cop thanked him and left. The next morning when the barber came to work on the step was a dozen donuts and a thank you card. That day a Jehovah's Witness came in for a haircut. When finished he started to pay the barber and again the barber said he couldn't accept payment as he was doing community service. The brother thanked the barber and left. When the barber came in the next day, guess what he found on the step of the barbershop? Are you ready for this? He found a dozen Witnesses waiting for a haircut.
Community Service and the JW's
by startingover 16 Replies latest jw friends
Oh how true about the JW's. I was never so sorry as when I foolishly let those in my congregation know I was talented at cutting hair. I also told them I did not expect payment. I never, out of, oh, probably 50+ haircuts got anything back except a simple thank you. It hurt my feelings & my heart that my efforts and generosity were taken so lightly and apparently unappreciated beyond an empty thankyou. Almost as though I owed it to them because they were my "brothers & sisters"! Phoooey! I spit on them...
My wife's a stylist.... get's $45.00 for a haircut. She's top notch and has at least a 6 week waiting list.
All the "wealthy" Dubs, want her to do their hair for next to nothing (on the side of course).
We finally told them to all "get a haircut and find a real job". They also don't tip. Tight ass misers!
That is so true!
I remember people in the cong being "good at" doing hair and being taken advantage of. I remember profusely thanking them and giving them gift certificates to the grocery store--they acted so surprised.
I used to cut grass for a JW. He would pay me $12 per cut. It took two hours to cut his enormous back yard.
Eventually, his next door neighbor hired me to cut his grass also. His yard was just as big as the JW's yard. However, the neighbor payed me $25 per cut.
franklin J
how funny,
truth is, the jehovahs witnesses are never taught to do ANY community service. WhenI was a kid; I was taught that going door to door was saving peoples lives. I really believed that.
My wife, who grew up a VERY privledged non JW child; was taken to soup kitchens to serve; volunteered at the local hospital and went to nursing homes to do crafts with the elderly; grew up with the REAL meaning of community service.
Very Funny!
Hey I am a Florist!
In our cong, if a pioneer did something for you, you had to pay them. If you did something for them, it was jsut helping them out for nothing in return/
Doubtfully Yours
Its one of those things that in all the years I was a JW (25+)
I could never understand that helping people in a practical way was so frowned on. No giving to charity, no helping the homeless, no soup kitchens, no relief work. I once when out with an Elder on field service, I put some money in a NSPCC (National Society fro the Prevention of Cruelty to Chrildren) collection box that someone was collecting for in the street. I got told off for contributing money to a worldly cause when it could have gone to Jehovahs organisation. He said that "Jehovah will sort it out in time". Yeah, tell that to a child whose being beaten, starved, and/or molested.
I suppose what he meant was that Jehovah will eventually kill them all off so we won't have to worry about them anyway.
After that I gave to such charities when on my own.