kls, How do you do it? How do you live your life with a JW while you know the truth of it? I am being genuine in this question? I need help. I don't want to lose my friend. She is not my girlfriend as is sometimes concluded. She is a woman that I love deeply but we are friends. I want her to be happy and not afraid, that is all I want her to be who she is and for a time I saw who she is and it was incredible. That person is almost gone now and truly the world is a darker place for it.
Jehovah's Ministers
by Shawn 27 Replies latest jw friends
Shawn ,i deal with it and not very well and i have done everything that i can to get him out ,but his quote to me is " You can't save my live ,only the jws can". This is why i came to this forum like you ,hoping someone would give me a magic word to use and he would see that he is in a cult . Well it never happened ,i am not saying she will never get out but please don't drive you'reself nuts trying to hard because there is no magic word.
I know, but I have to try. I have to show her my love and make her realize the love of others. Believe my I know. Every minute of every day for the past few weeks I have realized that the minute before was not the one and that it may be a long time. I know there is no magic word, I know that I cannot save her. I know that God alone can do that. All I can do is make her question what and why. That is my goal. I don't want to be a hero. I did at first but at this point all I want is for that beautful woman to be the creature she is not the person she become under the glare of the Watchtower. "The Watchtower" even that sounds wrong. Why oh why oh why?
Shawn do try and do what you can but please be easy on you'reself because if the trying does not work you have be prepared for the let down.
I will help in any way i can ,just let me know.
Funny idea! But in all reality - I think it's best just to move on and live your life to the fullest. After all - that gets the best result all around. It's best for you - and it really eats at JW's who are just waiting for you to fail!
kls, I will remember that. All I ask now is that my friend and I are in your prayers. That everyone who reads my story asks God to help her and give her the strength to question what she is told and think outside of their lead box. I also ask you to pray for me and that God grant me the strength to work as his agent and help this beautiful soul. That I be given patience and understanding and that I speak the words he wants when the time comes. If anyone reading this can do that for us both than you have done more than I could hope for. So far I know people around the world are praying for her and I and all I ask is that more people join those voices. I cannot bring down the WTS, I know that. I might not even be able to help one soul but what I can do is try with everything I am until God tells me it is time to stop and that is what I will do. Thank you all!! God Bless you!!
Amen Shawn,now don't forget the mouth wash,,,,,,,,lol
Yeah, I do it two wimes now after you pointed it out. Listerine and Scope just to make sure.LOL