they were JWs and blame EVERYTHING on their JW past??? I know of people that never tried to get ahead or prosper themselves because they were Witnesses. Never bought a house or a brand new car because they would rather rent and drive around in a jalopy that would break down. Their perception of being a "fine example", a "good Witness", was predicated on working "pioneer" type jobs----being cleaners, servicing auto dealerships, selling Trimline. Then, when they realize that the Witness religion is a big fraud, they've got nothing. No house. No brand new car. No vacation funds. So they bitch and moan about their horrible lot in life. And it's all because they were Jehovah's Witnesses. Such ones, oftentimes are simply lazy ill-prepared blamers for their do nothingness.....We CAN better ourselves if we work at it. It's not too late!
Do You Know Of Malcontent ExJWs That Bitch About Life Because.....?
by minimus 70 Replies latest jw friends
I know one...... Minimus!
Kidding....I think your choices in life you choose regardless of certain influences it was still your choice and now your issue.
Don't like something then Change it!
franklin J
... its those Jehovahs Witnesses...its all their fault that I am neurotic and incompetent......and a NOBODY
if I did not have to go door to door as a child; perhaps I would have more confidence in myself....its all their fault....yes, and having to talk on the platform when they all know that I am so nervous.....and my parents fault for raising me in that cult, its still their fault 30 years later.....and those others in that kingdom hall; its all their fault.....and those Jehovahs who came to my door the other day harrassing me; all their fault that I screamed at them and they brought out the worst in me. It was not my fault that I hit that man with his bookbag ( and why was it so heavy?) ....
And you too; its your fault for asking all these stupid questions that make us react so badly.....
who else can I blame?
You can find malcontents everywhere, not just among JWs or EX-JWs. With some people, it's a personality trait. With others, constant bitching can be a learned habit. The WTS is very critical of other religions, governments, business, education, etc. Maybe many of us learned the behaviour from them, and now that we're "out" we direct it towards them.
In my case, it would be unfair to blame all of my problems on the watchtower. First of all, I wasn't raised in it. Also, I must accept responsibility for my own actions, or inaction.
But overall, life is pretty good.
Frank, that response hit the nail on the head. EXCELLENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Malcontent no.... but pissed at being made to feel guilty to an exteme degree for a loooong time, everytime you questioned anything is legit.
They f*cked my life up and I knew better... I was PUNISHED whenever I made good decisions for me and mine. As a matter of fact it is ongoing with my present "shunned" status although not DF'd or DA'd or done anything "wrong".
It just takes time... I can't just go to college with wife kids and debt already acrued. I know I have only myself ultimately to blame, but they certainly "led" me to poverty's door (and I kicked and screamed the whole way).
I bitch therefore I am....
u/d (of the malcontent but not forever class)
Most of us realize that if we weren't JWs, we would've had more opportunties to do more in this "system". Still, there are some that bleat on about what they could've done but the truth is THEY didn't better themselves. And now 10, 20 or 30 years later they blame everything on THEIR inactivity. Was it really a badge of honor to have nothing and stuggle while other Witnesses worked, went on vacations and owned more than one home?
They would feel much better about themselves if they used their knowledge of the cult to help other people get out of it and warn others about the dangers of it.
I carry around some baggage because of it...but I picked up some good traits because of it too. Ultimately life is what you make of it now.
It is never too late to make something of our lives, even if much of it was spent being a witness. Sitting around whining about it won't work. There are so many things that we can do for ourselves, we just have to have the mind set to do it.