Startling Revelation Today...

by MerryMagdalene 17 Replies latest jw experiences

  • MerryMagdalene

    Words cannot describe what I am feeling right now, but what else have I got?

    So let's start with EUPHORIC.

    Today I ran into an old JW friend. We were teens in the troof together, neighboring congregations. He was always a real sweetheart as well as being very conscientious (balanced by a certain practicality and an "earthy" sense of humor). He went the MS to elder (I think) route. Very devoted.

    Anyway, I was kind of surprised when he smiled and greeted me. I would have dismissed this as just his kindly nature and our long-ago friendship, but he was not so easily dismissed. He decided to divulge the fact that he has been "out" for a few years now and proceeded to tell me why, in detail. It was all there-- all the scandals and in-depth information that many of us here have found so important and mind-blowing (blood, UN, Malawi/Mexico, crappy Child Protection Policy, WTS history...). He has really done his homework!!! (as he said, "Thank God for the internet!")

    I am so blown away and so psyched. He said I would be surprised how many others there are like him now!!! People I once knew. I'm really hoping to get together with him and his wife soon.


  • whyamihere

    I am very happy for you! It is such Great News when someone sees the light!

    Old Friends can become New ones!


  • MerryMagdalene
    Old Friends can become New ones!

    That's what I'm hoping! I just never


  • Doubtfully Yours
    Doubtfully Yours

    Wow Merry, that was a really good encounter!


  • Jez

    Wow, kinda makes me wonder when I hear things like this if it wasn't coincidence that you 'crossed paths'. Fantastic and thanks for sharing.


  • MerryMagdalene

    I feel like something I'd lost and never thought I would see again has suddenly been returned to me and it feels like such a gift. Something to treasure.


  • Leolaia

    That sounds splendid!!

    BTW, I like your new avatar. (Tho I loved the older one too). You look so merry. :))

  • jeanniebeanz
  • blondie

    How great, merry.

    I found someone like that on JWD.

    It encourages me to know that what gets put on the Internet about the WTS, does help people open their eyes.


  • ballistic

    I have many good friends from those years ago, I haven't met them since, apart from one, he stopped and smiled. But I knew he wasn't talking. But the look in the eyes told a whole conversation. A moment in time no one would understand off this web site. I have the consolation of meeting people at Mikes BBQ who I didn't know before, but are the same as me in some ways, and for that I am thankful.

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